Installation on Lawrencium (LBNL)¶
Lawrencium is a local cluster at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL).
It has 24 nodes with GPUs:
12 nodes with four GTX 1080Ti GPUs each
12 nodes with two V100 GPUs each
Connecting to Lawrencium¶
Lawrencium uses a one-time password (OTP) system. Before being able to connect to Lawrencium via ssh, you need to configure an OTP Token, using these instructions.
Once your OTP token is configured, you can connect by using
ssh <username>
Installation of FBPIC¶
Setting up Anaconda¶
Add the following lines in your
module load python/3.6
Then log off and log in again in order for these changes to be active.
Create a new conda environment and activate it.
conda create -p $SCRATCH/fbpic_env python=3.6 source activate $SCRATCH/fbpic_env
Installation of FBPIC and its dependencies¶
Install the dependencies of
conda install numba scipy h5py mkl cudatoolkit=10.0 conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py=*=*mpich* pip install cupy-cuda100
pip install fbpic
Running simulations¶
Preparing a new simulation¶
It is adviced to use the directory /global/scratch/<yourUsername>
for faster I/O access, where <yourUsername>
should be replaced by
your username.
In order to prepare a new simulation, create a new subdirectory within the above-mentioned directory, and copy your input script there.
Interactive jobs¶
In order to request a node with a GPU:
salloc --time=00:30:00 --nodes=1 --partition es1 --constraint=es1_1080ti --qos=es_normal --gres=gpu:4 --cpus-per-task=8
Once the job has started, type
srun --pty -u bash -i
in order to connect to the node that has been allocated. Then cd
the directory where you prepared your input script and type
source activate $SCRATCH/fbpic_env
python <>
Batch job¶
Create a new file named submission_file
in the same directory as
your input script (typically this directory is a subdirectory of
). Within this new file, copy the
following text (and replace the bracketed text by the proper values).
#SBATCH -J my_job
#SBATCH --partition es1
#SBATCH --qos es_normal
#SBATCH --constraint <gpuConstraint>
#SBATCH --time <requestedTime>
#SBATCH --ntasks <requestedRanks>
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:<gpuPerNode> --cpus-per-task=<cpuPerTask>
module load python/3.6
source activate $SCRATCH/fbpic_env
mpirun -np <requestedRanks> python
where <gpuConstraint>
and <gpuPerNode>
should be:
For the nodes with four GTX 1080Ti GPUs,
For the nodes with two V100 GPUs,
for more information on the available nodes, see this page.
Then run:
sbatch submission_file
In order to see the queue:
squeue -p es1
Visualizing the results through Jupyter¶
Lawrencium provides access to the cluster via Jupyter here. Once you logged in and opened a Jupyter notebook, you can type in a cell:
!pip install openPMD-viewer --user
in order to install openPMD-viewer.