Field smoothing

class fbpic.fields.smoothing.BinomialSmoother(n_passes=1, compensator=False)[source]

Initialize a binomial smoother

  • n_passes (int or dictionary of ints) – Number of passes of binomial smoothing in r and z. (More passes results in smoother fields) If n_passes is an integer, than the same number of passes are applied in r and z. If n_passes is a dictionary, it should be of the form {‘z’: <int>, ‘r’: <int>} to indicate the number of passes in each direction.

  • compensator (bool, or dictionary of bools) – Whether to apply a compensator in r and z. (Applying a compensator mitigates the impact of the smoother on low and intermediate frequencies) If compensator is a boolean, than this applies to r and z. If n_passes is a dictionary, it should be of the form {‘z’: <bool>, ‘r’: <bool>} to indicate whether a compensator is applied in r and/or in z.