Installation on Summit (OLCF) ============================= `Summit `__ is a GPU cluster at the `Oakridge Leadership Computing Facility `__ (OLCF). Each node has of 6 Nvidia V100 GPUs. Installation of FBPIC --------------------- Preparing the Anaconda environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First load the relevant modules: :: module purge module load gcc module load fftw module load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0 Then create a new `conda` environment :: conda create -n fbpic --clone base source activate fbpic Installation of FBPIC and its dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Install the dependencies of ``fbpic`` :: conda install cython numba=0.49 cudatoolkit=9.0 - Install ``pyfftw`` :: pip install pyfftw - Install ``fbpic`` :: pip install fbpic Running simulations ------------------- In order to create a new simulation, create a new directory in ``$MEMBERWORK/`` and copy your input script there: :: mkdir $MEMBERWORK// cp $MEMBERWORK// Also, before launching any new job, please make sure that the `conda` environment ``fbpic`` is **not** loaded, for instance by using :: source deactivate fbpic Interactive jobs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to request one node for 20 minutes: :: bsub -W 00:20 -nnodes 1 -P -Is /bin/bash Then ``cd`` to the directory where you prepared your input script and type :: module purge module load gcc module load cuda/9.1.85 module load fftw module load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0 source activate fbpic export CUPY_CACHE_DIR=$MEMBERWORK//.cupy/kernel_cache export FBPIC_DISABLE_CACHING=1 export NUMBA_NUM_THREADS=1 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 jsrun -n 1 -a 1 -c 1 -g 1 python where ```` should be replaced by your project account number. Batch job ~~~~~~~~~ Create a new file named ``submission_script`` in the same directory as your input script. Within this new file, copy the following text (and replace the bracketed text by the proper values). :: #!/bin/bash #BSUB -J my_job #BSUB -W #BSUB -nnodes #BSUB -P module purge module load gcc module load cuda/9.1.85 module load fftw module load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0 source activate fbpic export CUPY_CACHE_DIR=$MEMBERWORK//.cupy/kernel_cache export FBPIC_ENABLE_GPUDIRECT=0 export FBPIC_DISABLE_CACHING=1 export NUMBA_NUM_THREADS=1 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 jsrun -n -a 1 -c 1 -g 1 --smpiargs="-gpu" python > cpu.log where ```` should be replaced by your project account number, and ```` should be replaced by the number of nodes and MPI ranks (use 6 MPI ranks per Summit node). Then run: :: bsub submission_script .. note:: Note that, in the above script, ``--smpiargs="-gpu"` is in fact only needed when ``export FBPIC_ENABLE_GPUDIRECT=1``, i.e. when attempting to use the **cuda-aware** MPI. Use ``bjobs`` to monitor the job.