.. fbpic documentation main file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Sep 11 12:04:39 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. FBPIC documentation ====================================================== FBPIC (Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell) is a `Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code `_ for relativistic plasma physics. It is especially well-suited for physical simulations of **laser-wakefield acceleration** and **plasma-wakefield acceleration**. The distinctive feature of FBPIC, compared to *most* other PIC codes, is to use a **spectral cylindrical representation.** This makes the code both **fast** and **accurate**, for situations with **close-to-cylindrical symmetry**. For a brief overview of the algorithm, its advantages and limitations, see the section :doc:`overview/overview`. In addition, FBPIC implements several **useful features for laser-plasma acceleration**, including: * Moving window * Calculation of **space-charge fields** at the beginning of the simulation * Intrinsic **mitigation of Numerical Cherenkov Radiation** (NCR) from relativistic bunches * **Field ionization** module (ADK model) * Support for **boosted-frame simulations** (see :doc:`advanced/boosted_frame`) FBPIC can run on **multi-core CPU** (with multi-threading) or **GPU**. For large simulations, running the code on GPU can be much faster than on CPU. Contents of the documentation ----------------------------- If you are new to FBPIC, we **strongly recommend** that you read the section :doc:`overview/overview` first, so as to have a basic understanding of what the code does. You can then see the section :doc:`install/installation` and :doc:`how_to_run`, to get started with using FBPIC. For more information, the section :doc:`api_reference/api_reference` lists the main objects that are accessible through FBPIC. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 overview/overview install/installation how_to_run api_reference/api_reference advanced/advanced Contributing to FBPIC --------------------- FBPIC is open-source, and the source code is hosted `here `_, on Github. We welcome contributions to the code! If you wish to contribute, please read `this page `_ . Research & Attribution ---------------------- FBPIC was originally developed by Remi Lehe at `Berkeley Lab `_, and Manuel Kirchen at `CFEL, Hamburg University `_. The code also benefitted from the contributions of Soeren Jalas (CFEL), Kevin Peters (CFEL), Irene Dornmair (CFEL), Laurids Jeppe (CFEL), Igor Andriyash (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee), Omri Seemann (Weizmann Institute), Daniel Seipt (University of Michigan), Samuel Yoffe (University of Strathclyde), David Grote (LLNL and LBNL) and Anton Golovanov (Weizmann Institute). FBPIC's algorithms are documented in following scientific publications: * General description of FBPIC and it's algorithm (original paper): `R. Lehe et al., CPC, 2016 `_ (`arXiv `__) * Boosted-frame technique with Galilean algorithm: `M. Kirchen et al., PoP, 2016 `_ (`arXiv `__) and `R. Lehe et al., PRE, 2016 `_ (`arXiv `__) * Parallel finite-order solver for multi-CPU/GPU simulations: `S. Jalas et al., PoP, 2017 `_ (`arXiv `__) * Parallel finite-order boosted-frame simulations for multi-CPU/GPU simulations: `M. Kirchen et al., PRE, 2020 `_ If you use FBPIC for your research project: that's great! We are very pleased that the code is useful to you! If your project even leads to a scientific publication, please consider citing at least FBPIC's original paper. If your project uses the more advanced algorithms, please consider citing the respective publications in addition.