The Particles class =================== A :any:`Simulation` object may contain several particle species. Each species is represented by an instance of the :any:`Particles` class, and is stored in the list ``Simulation.ptcl``. .. note:: It is **not** recommended to initialize a :any:`Particles` object directly. Instead, use the method :any:`Simulation.add_new_species`. This will append a new instance of :any:`Particles` to the list ``Simulation.ptcl``. This new instance will also be directly returned by the function, so that you can use its methods below. .. py:class:: fbpic.particles.Particles An instance of `Particles` stores a set of macroparticles that have the same charge and mass. (Note that for ionizable species, ions in different states of ionization - i.e. different levels - are stored in the same `Particles` object.) .. automethod:: track .. automethod:: make_ionizable