Source code for fbpic.openpmd_diag.particle_diag

# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file defines the class ParticleDiagnostic
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
from .generic_diag import OpenPMDDiagnostic
from .data_dict import macro_weighted_dict, weighting_power_dict

[docs] class ParticleDiagnostic(OpenPMDDiagnostic) : """ Class that defines the particle diagnostics to be performed. """ def __init__(self, period=None, species={}, comm=None, particle_data=["position", "momentum", "weighting"], select=None, write_dir=None, iteration_min=0, iteration_max=np.inf, subsampling_fraction=None, dt_period=None ) : """ Initialize the particle diagnostics. Parameters ---------- period : int, optional The period of the diagnostics, in number of timesteps. (i.e. the diagnostics are written whenever the number of iterations is divisible by `period`). Specify either this or `dt_period`. dt_period : float (in seconds), optional The period of the diagnostics, in physical time of the simulation. Specify either this or `period` species : a dictionary of :any:`Particles` objects The object that is written (e.g. elec) is assigned to the particle name of this species. (e.g. {"electrons": elec }) comm : an fbpic BoundaryCommunicator object or None If this is not None, the data is gathered by the communicator, and guard cells are removed. Otherwise, each rank writes its own data, including guard cells. (Make sure to use different write_dir in this case.) particle_data : a list of strings, optional Possible values are: ["position", "momentum", "weighting", "E" , "B", "gamma"] "E" and "B" writes the E and B fields at the particles' positions, respectively, but is turned off by default. "gamma" writes the particles' Lorentz factor. By default, if a particle is tracked, its id is always written; Also, if a particle has spin tracking enabled, the spin components are written to file. select : dict, optional Either None or a dictionary of rules to select the particles, of the form 'x' : [-4., 10.] (Particles having x between -4 and 10 microns) 'ux' : [-0.1, 0.1] (Particles having ux between -0.1 and 0.1 mc) 'uz' : [5., None] (Particles with uz above 5 mc) write_dir : a list of strings, optional The POSIX path to the directory where the results are to be written. If none is provided, this will be the path of the current working directory. iteration_min, iteration_max: ints The iterations between which data should be written (`iteration_min` is inclusive, `iteration_max` is exclusive) subsampling_fraction : float, optional If this is not None, the particle data is subsampled with subsampling_fraction probability """ # Check input if len(species) == 0: raise ValueError("You need to pass an non-empty `species_dict`.") # Build an ordered list of species. (This is needed since the order # of the keys is not well defined, so each MPI rank could go through # the species in a different order, if species_dict.keys() is used.) self.species_names_list = sorted( species.keys() ) # Extract the timestep from the first species first_species = species[self.species_names_list[0]] self.dt = first_species.dt # General setup (uses the above timestep) OpenPMDDiagnostic.__init__(self, period, comm, write_dir, iteration_min, iteration_max, dt_period=dt_period, dt_sim=self.dt ) # Register the arguments self.species_dict = species = select self.subsampling_fraction = subsampling_fraction # For each species, get the particle arrays to be written self.array_quantities_dict = {} self.constant_quantities_dict = {} for species_name in self.species_names_list: species = self.species_dict[species_name] # Get the list of quantities that are written as arrays self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] = [] for quantity in particle_data: if quantity == "position": self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ['x','y','z'] elif quantity == "momentum": self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ['ux','uy','uz'] elif quantity == "E": self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ['Ex','Ey','Ez'] elif quantity == "B": self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ['Bx','By','Bz'] elif quantity == "weighting": self.array_quantities_dict[species_name].append('w') else: self.array_quantities_dict[species_name].append(quantity) # For tracked particles, the id is automatically added if species.tracker is not None: self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ["id"] # Get the list of quantities that are constant self.constant_quantities_dict[species_name] = ["mass"] # For ionizable particles, the charge must be treated as an array if species.ionizer is not None: self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ["charge"] else: self.constant_quantities_dict[species_name] += ["charge"] # If spin tracking is enabled, save the spin automatically if species.spin_tracker is not None: self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] += ['sx', 'sy', 'sz'] def setup_openpmd_species_group( self, grp, species, constant_quantities ) : """ Set the attributes that are specific to the particle group Parameter --------- grp : an h5py.Group object Contains all the species species : a fbpic Particle object constant_quantities: list of strings The scalar quantities to be written for this particle """ # Generic attributes grp.attrs["particleShape"] = 1. grp.attrs["currentDeposition"] = np.string_("directMorseNielson") grp.attrs["particleSmoothing"] = np.string_("none") grp.attrs["particlePush"] = np.string_("Vay") grp.attrs["particleInterpolation"] = np.string_("uniform") # Setup constant datasets (e.g. charge, mass) for quantity in constant_quantities: grp.require_group( quantity ) self.setup_openpmd_species_record( grp[quantity], quantity ) self.setup_openpmd_species_component( grp[quantity], quantity ) grp[quantity].attrs["shape"] = np.array([1], dtype=np.uint64) # Set the corresponding values grp["mass"].attrs["value"] = species.m if "charge" in constant_quantities: grp["charge"].attrs["value"] = species.q # Set the position records (required in openPMD) quantity = "positionOffset" grp.require_group(quantity) self.setup_openpmd_species_record( grp[quantity], quantity ) for quantity in [ "positionOffset/x", "positionOffset/y", "positionOffset/z"] : grp.require_group(quantity) self.setup_openpmd_species_component( grp[quantity], quantity ) grp[quantity].attrs["shape"] = np.array([1], dtype=np.uint64) # Set the corresponding values grp["positionOffset/x"].attrs["value"] = 0. grp["positionOffset/y"].attrs["value"] = 0. grp["positionOffset/z"].attrs["value"] = 0. def setup_openpmd_species_record( self, grp, quantity ) : """ Set the attributes that are specific to a species record Parameter --------- grp : an h5py.Group object or h5py.Dataset The group that correspond to `quantity` (in particular, its path must end with "/<quantity>") quantity : string The name of the record being setup e.g. "position", "momentum" """ # Generic setup self.setup_openpmd_record( grp, quantity ) # Weighting information grp.attrs["macroWeighted"] = macro_weighted_dict[quantity] grp.attrs["weightingPower"] = weighting_power_dict[quantity] def setup_openpmd_species_component( self, grp, quantity ) : """ Set the attributes that are specific to a species component Parameter --------- grp : an h5py.Group object or h5py.Dataset quantity : string The name of the component """ self.setup_openpmd_component( grp ) def write_hdf5( self, iteration ) : """ Write an HDF5 file that complies with the OpenPMD standard Parameter --------- iteration : int The current iteration number of the simulation. """ # Receive data from the GPU if needed for species_name in self.species_names_list: species = self.species_dict[species_name] if species.use_cuda : species.receive_particles_from_gpu() # Create the file and setup the openPMD structure (only first proc) if self.rank == 0: filename = "data%08d.h5" %iteration fullpath = os.path.join( self.write_dir, "hdf5", filename ) f = h5py.File( fullpath, mode="a" ) # Setup its attributes self.setup_openpmd_file( f, iteration, iteration*self.dt, self.dt) # Loop over the different species and # particle quantities that should be written for species_name in self.species_names_list: # Check if the species exists species = self.species_dict[species_name] if species is None : # If not, immediately go to the next species_name continue # Setup the species group (only first proc) if self.rank==0: species_path = "/data/%d/particles/%s" %( iteration, species_name) # Create and setup the h5py.Group species_grp species_grp = f.require_group( species_path ) self.setup_openpmd_species_group( species_grp, species, self.constant_quantities_dict[species_name]) else: species_grp = None # Select the particles that will be written select_array = self.apply_selection( species ) # Get their total number n = select_array.sum() if self.comm is not None: # Multi-proc output if self.comm.size > 1: n_rank = self.comm.mpi_comm.allgather(n) else: n_rank = [n] Ntot = sum(n_rank) else: # Single-proc output n_rank = None Ntot = n # Write the datasets for each particle datatype self.write_particles( species_grp, species, n_rank, Ntot, select_array, self.array_quantities_dict[species_name] ) # Close the file if self.rank == 0: f.close() # Send data to the GPU if needed for species_name in self.species_names_list: species = self.species_dict[species_name] if species.use_cuda : species.send_particles_to_gpu() def write_particles( self, species_grp, species, n_rank, Ntot, select_array, particle_data ) : """ Write all the particle data sets for one given species species_grp : an h5py.Group The group where to write the species considered species : an fbpic.Particles object The species object to get the particle data from n_rank : list of ints A list containing the number of particles to send on each proc Ntot : int Contains the global number of particles select_array : 1darray of bool An array of the same shape as that particle array containing True for the particles that satify all the rules of particle_data: list of string The particle quantities that should be written (e.g. 'x', 'uy', 'id', 'w') """ # Loop through the quantities and write them for quantity in particle_data : if quantity in ["x", "y", "z"]: quantity_path = "position/%s" %(quantity) self.write_dataset( species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) elif quantity in ["ux", "uy", "uz"]: quantity_path = "momentum/%s" %(quantity[-1]) self.write_dataset( species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) elif quantity in ["sx", "sy", "sz"]: quantity_path = "spin/%s" % (quantity[-1]) self.write_dataset(species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array) elif quantity in ["Ex" , "Ey" , "Ez"]: quantity_path = "E/%s" %(quantity[-1]) self.write_dataset( species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) elif quantity in ["Bx", "By", "Bz"]: quantity_path = "B/%s" %(quantity[-1]) self.write_dataset( species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) elif quantity in ["w", "id", "charge", "gamma"]: if quantity == "w": quantity_path = "weighting" else: quantity_path = quantity self.write_dataset( species_grp, species, quantity_path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) if self.rank == 0: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp[quantity_path], quantity_path ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid string in %s of species" %(quantity)) # Setup the hdf5 groups for "position", "momentum", "E", "B" if self.rank == 0: if "x" in particle_data: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp["position"], "position" ) if "ux" in particle_data: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp["momentum"], "momentum" ) if "sx" in particle_data: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp["spin"], "spin") if "Ex" in particle_data: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp["E"], "E" ) if "Bx" in particle_data: self.setup_openpmd_species_record( species_grp["B"], "B" ) def apply_selection( self, species ) : """ Apply the rules of to determine which particles should be written, Apply random subsampling using the property subsampling_fraction. Parameters ---------- species : a Species object Returns ------- A 1d array of the same shape as that particle array containing True for the particles that satify all the rules of """ # Initialize an array filled with True select_array = np.ones( species.Ntot, dtype='bool' ) # subsampling selector if self.subsampling_fraction is not None : subsampling_array = np.random.rand(species.Ntot) < \ self.subsampling_fraction select_array = np.logical_and(subsampling_array,select_array) # Apply the rules successively if is not None : # Go through the quantities on which a rule applies for quantity in : if quantity == "gamma": quantity_array = 1.0/getattr( species, "inv_gamma" ) else: quantity_array = getattr( species, quantity ) # Lower bound if[quantity][0] is not None : select_array = np.logical_and( quantity_array >[quantity][0], select_array ) # Upper bound if[quantity][1] is not None : select_array = np.logical_and( quantity_array <[quantity][1], select_array ) return( select_array ) def write_dataset( self, species_grp, species, path, quantity, n_rank, Ntot, select_array ) : """ Write a given dataset Parameters ---------- species_grp : an h5py.Group The group where to write the species considered species : a warp Species object The species object to get the particle data from path : string The relative path where to write the dataset, inside the species_grp quantity : string Describes which quantity is written x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w, id, gamma n_rank : list of ints A list containing the number of particles to send on each proc Ntot : int Contains the global number of particles select_array : 1darray of bool An array of the same shape as that particle array containing True for the particles that satify all the rules of """ # Create the dataset and setup its attributes if self.rank==0: datashape = (Ntot, ) if quantity == "id": dtype = 'uint64' else: dtype = 'f8' # If the dataset already exists, remove it. # (This avoids errors with diags from previous simulations, # in case the number of particles is not exactly the same.) if path in species_grp: del species_grp[path] dset = species_grp.create_dataset(path, datashape, dtype=dtype ) self.setup_openpmd_species_component( dset, quantity ) # Fill the dataset with the quantity quantity_array = self.get_dataset( species, quantity, select_array, n_rank, Ntot ) if self.rank == 0: dset[:] = quantity_array def get_dataset( self, species, quantity, select_array, n_rank, Ntot ) : """ Extract the array that satisfies select_array species : a Particles object The species object to get the particle data from quantity : string The quantity to be extracted (e.g. 'x', 'uz', 'w') select_array : 1darray of bool An array of the same shape as that particle array containing True for the particles that satify all the rules of n_rank: list of ints A list containing the number of particles to send on each proc Ntot : int Length of the final array (selected + gathered from all proc) """ # Extract the quantity if quantity == "id": quantity_one_proc = elif quantity == "charge": quantity_one_proc = constants.e * species.ionizer.ionization_level elif quantity == "w": quantity_one_proc = species.w elif quantity == "gamma": quantity_one_proc = 1.0/getattr( species, "inv_gamma" ) elif quantity in ['sx', 'sy', 'sz']: quantity_one_proc = getattr(species.spin_tracker, quantity) else: quantity_one_proc = getattr( species, quantity ) # Apply the selection quantity_one_proc = quantity_one_proc[ select_array ] # If this is the momentum, multiply by the proper factor # (only for species that have a mass) if quantity in ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']: if species.m>0: scale_factor = species.m * constants.c quantity_one_proc *= scale_factor if self.comm is not None: quantity_all_proc = self.comm.gather_ptcl_array( quantity_one_proc, n_rank, Ntot ) else: quantity_all_proc = quantity_one_proc # Return the results return( quantity_all_proc )