# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file defines the class FieldDiagnostic.
import os
import numpy as np
from .generic_diag import OpenPMDDiagnostic
class FieldDiagnostic(OpenPMDDiagnostic):
Class that defines the field diagnostics to be performed.
def __init__(self, period=None, fldobject=None, comm=None,
fieldtypes=["rho", "E", "B", "J"], write_dir=None,
iteration_min=0, iteration_max=np.inf, dt_period=None ) :
Initialize the field diagnostic.
period : int, optional
The period of the diagnostics, in number of timesteps.
(i.e. the diagnostics are written whenever the number
of iterations is divisible by `period`). Specify either this or
dt_period : float (in seconds), optional
The period of the diagnostics, in physical time of the simulation.
Specify either this or `period`
fldobject : a Fields object
Points to the data that has to be written at each output
comm : an fbpic BoundaryCommunicator object or None
If this is not None, the data is gathered on the first proc,
and the guard cells are removed from the output.
Otherwise, each proc writes its own data, including guard cells.
(Make sure to use different write_dir in this case.)
fieldtypes : a list of strings, optional
The strings are either "rho", "E", "B" or "J"
and indicate which field should be written.
Default : all fields are written
write_dir : string, optional
The POSIX path to the directory where the results are
to be written. If none is provided, this will be the path
of the current working directory.
iteration_min, iteration_max: ints
The iterations between which data should be written
(`iteration_min` is inclusive, `iteration_max` is exclusive)
# Check input
if fldobject is None:
raise ValueError(
"You need to pass the argument `fldobject` to `FieldDiagnostic`.")
# General setup
OpenPMDDiagnostic.__init__(self, period, comm, write_dir,
iteration_min, iteration_max,
dt_period=dt_period, dt_sim=fldobject.dt )
# Register the arguments
self.fld = fldobject
self.fieldtypes = fieldtypes
self.coords = ['r', 't', 'z']
def write_hdf5( self, iteration ):
Write an HDF5 file that complies with the OpenPMD standard
iteration : int
The current iteration number of the simulation.
# If needed: Bring rho/J from spectral space (where they where
# smoothed/corrected) to real space
if "rho" in self.fieldtypes:
# Get 'rho_prev', since it correspond to rho at time n
# Exchange rho in real space if needed
if (self.comm is not None) and (self.comm.size > 1) \
and (not self.fld.exchanged_source['rho_prev']):
self.comm.exchange_fields(self.fld.interp, 'rho', 'add')
if "J" in self.fieldtypes:
# Exchange J in real space if needed
if (self.comm is not None) and (self.comm.size > 1) \
and (not self.fld.exchanged_source['J']):
self.comm.exchange_fields(self.fld.interp, 'J', 'add')
# If needed: Receive data from the GPU
if self.fld.use_cuda :
# Extract information needed for the openPMD attributes
dt = self.fld.dt
time = iteration * dt
dz = self.fld.interp[0].dz
if self.comm is None:
# No communicator: dump all the present subdomain
# (including damp cells and guard cells)
zmin = self.fld.interp[0].zmin
Nz = self.fld.interp[0].Nz
Nr = self.fld.interp[0].Nr
# Communicator present: only dump physical cells
zmin, _ = self.comm.get_zmin_zmax(
local=False, with_damp=False, with_guard=False )
Nz, _ = self.comm.get_Nz_and_iz(
local=False, with_damp=False, with_guard=False )
Nr = self.comm.get_Nr( with_damp=False )
# Create the file with these attributes
filename = "data%08d.h5" %iteration
fullpath = os.path.join( self.write_dir, "hdf5", filename )
fullpath, iteration, time, Nr, Nz, zmin, dz, dt )
# Open the file again, and get the field path
f = self.open_file( fullpath )
# (f is None if this processor does not participate in writing data)
if f is not None:
field_path = "/data/%d/fields/" %iteration
field_grp = f[field_path]
field_grp = None
# Loop over the different quantities that should be written
for fieldtype in self.fieldtypes:
# Scalar field
if fieldtype == "rho":
self.write_dataset( field_grp, "rho", "rho" )
# Vector field
elif fieldtype in ["E", "B", "J"]:
for coord in self.coords:
quantity = "%s%s" %(fieldtype, coord)
path = "%s/%s" %(fieldtype, coord)
self.write_dataset( field_grp, path, quantity )
# PML field (save as scalar field)
elif fieldtype.endswith("_pml"):
self.write_dataset( field_grp, fieldtype, fieldtype )
raise ValueError("Invalid string in fieldtypes: %s" %fieldtype)
# Close the file (only the first proc does this)
if f is not None:
# Send data to the GPU if needed
if self.fld.use_cuda :
# Writing methods
# ---------------
def write_dataset( self, field_grp, path, quantity ) :
Write a given dataset
field_grp : an h5py.Group object
The group that corresponds to the path indicated in meshesPath
path : string
The relative path where to write the dataset, in field_grp
quantity : string
Describes which field is being written.
(Either rho, Er, Et, Ez, Br, Bz, Bt, Jr, Jt or Jz)
# Extract the correct dataset
if field_grp is not None:
dset = field_grp[path]
dset = None
# Write the mode 0 : only the real part is non-zero
mode0 = self.get_dataset( quantity, 0 )
if self.rank == 0:
mode0 = mode0.T
dset[0,:,:] = mode0[:,:].real
# Write the higher modes
# There is a factor 2 here so as to comply with the convention in
# Lifschitz et al., which is also the convention adopted in Warp Circ
for m in range(1,self.fld.Nm):
mode = self.get_dataset( quantity, m )
if self.rank == 0:
mode = mode.T
dset[2*m-1,:,:] = 2*mode[:,:].real
dset[2*m,:,:] = 2*mode[:,:].imag
def get_dataset( self, quantity, m ):
Get the field `quantity` in the mode `m`
Gathers it on the first proc, in MPI mode
quantity: string
Describes which field is being written.
(Either rho, Er, Et, Ez, Br, Bz, Bt, Jr, Jt or Jz)
m: int
The index of the mode that is being written
# Get the data on each individual proc
data_one_proc = getattr( self.fld.interp[m], quantity )
# Gather the data
if self.comm is not None:
data_all_proc = self.comm.gather_grid_array( data_one_proc )
data_all_proc = data_one_proc
return( data_all_proc )
# OpenPMD setup methods
# ---------------------
def create_file_empty_meshes( self, fullpath, iteration,
time, Nr, Nz, zmin, dz, dt ):
Create an openPMD file with empty meshes and setup all its attributes
fullpath: string
The absolute path to the file to be created
iteration: int
The iteration number of this diagnostic
time: float (seconds)
The physical time at this iteration
Nr, Nz: int
The number of gridpoints along r and z in this diagnostics
zmin: float (meters)
The position of the left end of the box
dz: float (meters)
The resolution in z of this diagnostic
dt: float (seconds)
The timestep of the simulation
# Determine the shape of the datasets that will be written
# First write real part mode 0, then imaginary part of higher modes
data_shape = ( 2*self.fld.Nm - 1, Nr, Nz )
# Create the file
f = self.open_file( fullpath )
# Setup the different layers of the openPMD file
# (f is None if this processor does not participate is writing data)
if f is not None:
# Setup the attributes of the top level of the file
self.setup_openpmd_file( f, iteration, time, dt )
# Setup the meshes group (contains all the fields)
field_path = "/data/%d/fields/" %iteration
field_grp = f.require_group(field_path)
# Loop over the different quantities that should be written
# and setup the corresponding datasets
for fieldtype in self.fieldtypes:
# Scalar field
# e.g. 'rho', but also 'rho_electron' in the case of
# the sub-class ParticleDensityDiagnostic
# or PML component (saved as scalar field as well)
if fieldtype.startswith("rho") or fieldtype.endswith("_pml"):
# Setup the dataset
dset = field_grp.require_dataset(
fieldtype, data_shape, dtype='f8')
self.setup_openpmd_mesh_component( dset, fieldtype )
# Setup the record to which it belongs
self.setup_openpmd_mesh_record( dset, fieldtype, dz, zmin )
# Vector field
elif fieldtype in ["E", "B", "J"]:
# Setup the datasets
for coord in self.coords:
quantity = "%s%s" %(fieldtype, coord)
path = "%s/%s" %(fieldtype, coord)
dset = field_grp.require_dataset(
path, data_shape, dtype='f8')
self.setup_openpmd_mesh_component( dset, quantity )
# Setup the record to which they belong
field_grp[fieldtype], fieldtype, dz, zmin )
# Unknown field
raise ValueError(
"Invalid string in fieldtypes: %s" %fieldtype)
# Close the file
def setup_openpmd_meshes_group( self, dset ) :
Set the attributes that are specific to the mesh path
dset : an h5py.Group object that contains all the mesh quantities
# Field Solver
dset.attrs["fieldSolver"] = np.string_("PSATD")
# Field boundary
dset.attrs["fieldBoundary"] = np.array([
np.string_("reflecting"), np.string_("reflecting"),
np.string_("reflecting"), np.string_("reflecting") ])
# Particle boundary
dset.attrs["particleBoundary"] = np.array([
np.string_("absorbing"), np.string_("absorbing"),
np.string_("absorbing"), np.string_("absorbing") ])
# Current Smoothing
dset.attrs["currentSmoothing"] = np.string_("Binomial")
dset.attrs["currentSmoothingParameters"] = \
# Charge correction
dset.attrs["chargeCorrection"] = np.string_("spectral")
dset.attrs["chargeCorrectionParameters"] = np.string_("period=1")
def setup_openpmd_mesh_record( self, dset, quantity, dz, zmin ) :
Sets the attributes that are specific to a mesh record
dset : an h5py.Dataset or h5py.Group object
quantity : string
The name of the record (e.g. "rho", "J", "E" or "B")
dz: float (meters)
The resolution in z of this diagnostic
zmin: float (meters)
The position of the left end of the grid
# Generic record attributes
self.setup_openpmd_record( dset, quantity )
# Geometry parameters
dset.attrs['geometry'] = np.string_("thetaMode")
dset.attrs['geometryParameters'] = \
dset.attrs['gridSpacing'] = np.array([
self.fld.interp[0].dr, dz ])
dset.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = np.array([
self.fld.interp[0].rmin, zmin ])
dset.attrs['axisLabels'] = np.array([ b'r', b'z' ])
# Generic attributes
dset.attrs["dataOrder"] = np.string_("C")
dset.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = 1.
dset.attrs["fieldSmoothing"] = np.string_("none")
def setup_openpmd_mesh_component( self, dset, quantity ) :
Set up the attributes of a mesh component
dset : an h5py.Dataset or h5py.Group object
quantity : string
The field that is being written
# Generic setup of the component
self.setup_openpmd_component( dset )
# Field positions
dset.attrs["position"] = np.array([0.5, 0.5])