Source code for fbpic.openpmd_diag.checkpoint_restart

# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)

It defines functions that can save checkpoints,
as well as reload a simulation from a set of checkpoints.
import os
import re
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import e
from .field_diag import FieldDiagnostic
from .particle_diag import ParticleDiagnostic
from fbpic.utils.mpi import comm

# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
    import cupy

[docs] def set_periodic_checkpoint( sim, period, checkpoint_dir='./checkpoints' ): """ Set up periodic checkpoints of the simulation The checkpoints are saved in openPMD format, in the specified directory, with one subdirectory per process. The E and B fields and particle information of each processor is saved. NB: Checkpoints are registered in the list `checkpoints` of the Simulation object `sim`, and written at the end of the PIC loop (whereas regular diagnostics are written at the beginning of the PIC loop). Parameters ---------- sim: a Simulation object The simulation that is to be saved in checkpoints period: integer The number of PIC iteration between each checkpoint. checkpoint_dir: string, optional The path to the directory in which the checkpoints are stored (When running a simulation with several MPI ranks, use the same path for all ranks.) """ # Only processor 0 creates a directory where checkpoints will be stored # Make sure that all processors wait until this directory is created # (Use the global MPI communicator instead of the `BoundaryCommunicator` # so that this still works in the case `use_all_ranks=False`) if comm.rank == 0: if os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir) is False: os.mkdir(checkpoint_dir) comm.barrier() # Choose the name of the directory: one directory per processor write_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'proc%d/' %comm.rank) # Register a periodic FieldDiagnostic in the diagnostics of the simulation # This saves only the E and B field (and their PML components, if used) fieldtypes = ["E", "B"] if sim.use_pml: fieldtypes += ["Er_pml", "Et_pml", "Br_pml", "Bt_pml"] sim.checkpoints.append( FieldDiagnostic( period, sim.fld, fieldtypes=fieldtypes, write_dir=write_dir ) ) # Register a periodic ParticleDiagnostic, which contains all # the particles which are present in the simulation particle_dict = {} for i in range(len(sim.ptcl)): particle_dict[ 'species %d' %i ] = sim.ptcl[i] if len(particle_dict)>0: sim.checkpoints.append( ParticleDiagnostic( period, particle_dict, write_dir=write_dir ) )
[docs] def restart_from_checkpoint( sim, iteration=None, checkpoint_dir='./checkpoints' ): """ Fills the Simulation object `sim` with data saved in a checkpoint. More precisely, the following data from `sim` is overwritten: - Current time and iteration number of the simulation - Position of the boundaries of the simulation box - Values of the field arrays - Size and values of the particle arrays Any other information (e.g. diagnostics of the simulation, presence of a moving window, presence of a laser antenna, etc.) need to be set by hand. For this reason, a successful restart will often require to modify the original input script that produced the checkpoint, rather than to start a new input script from scratch. NB: This function should always be called *before* the initialization of the moving window, since the moving window infers the position of particle injection from the existing particle data. Parameters ---------- sim: a Simulation object The Simulation object into which the checkpoint should be loaded iteration: integer, optional The iteration number of the checkpoint from which to restart If None, the latest checkpoint available will be used. checkpoint_dir: string, optional The path to the directory that contains the checkpoints to be loaded. (When running a simulation with several MPI ranks, use the same path for all ranks.) """ # Try to import openPMD-viewer, version 1 try: from openpmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries openpmd_viewer_version = 1 except ImportError: # If not available, try to import openPMD-viewer, version 0 try: from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries openpmd_viewer_version = 0 except ImportError: openpmd_viewer_version = None # Otherwise, raise an error if openpmd_viewer_version is None: raise ImportError( 'The package openPMD-viewer is required to restart from checkpoints.' '\nPlease install it from') # Verify that the restart is valid (only for the first processor) # (Use the global MPI communicator instead of the `BoundaryCommunicator`, # so that this also works for `use_all_ranks=False`) if comm.rank == 0: check_restart( sim, iteration, checkpoint_dir ) comm.barrier() # Choose the name of the directory from which to restart: # one directory per processor data_dir = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir, 'proc%d/hdf5' %comm.rank ) ts = OpenPMDTimeSeries( data_dir ) # Select the iteration, and its index if iteration is None: iteration = ts.iterations[-1] # Find the index of the closest iteration i_iteration = np.argmin( abs(np.array(ts.iterations) - iteration) ) # Modify parameters of the simulation sim.iteration = iteration sim.time = ts.t[ i_iteration ] # Export available species as a list avail_species = ts.avail_species if avail_species is None: avail_species = [] # Load the particles # Loop through the different species if len(avail_species) == len(sim.ptcl): for i in range(len(sim.ptcl)): name = 'species %d' %i load_species( sim.ptcl[i], name, ts, iteration, sim.comm, openpmd_viewer_version ) else: raise RuntimeError( \ """Species numbers in checkpoint and simulation should be same, but got {:d} and {:d}. Use add_new_species method to add species to simulation or sim.ptcl = [] to remove them""".format(len(avail_species), len(sim.ptcl)) ) # Record position of grid before restart zmin_old = sim.fld.interp[0].zmin # Load the fields # Loop through the different modes for m in range( sim.fld.Nm ): # Load the fields E and B for fieldtype in ['E', 'B']: for coord in ['r', 't', 'z']: load_fields( sim.fld.interp[m], fieldtype, coord, ts, iteration ) # Load the PML components if needed if sim.use_pml: for fieldtype in ['Er_pml', 'Et_pml', 'Br_pml', 'Bt_pml']: load_fields(sim.fld.interp[m], fieldtype, None, ts, iteration) # Record position after restart (`zmin` is modified by `load_fields`) # and shift the global domain position in the BoundaryCommunicator zmin_new = sim.fld.interp[0].zmin sim.comm.shift_global_domain_positions( zmin_new - zmin_old )
def check_restart( sim, iteration, checkpoint_dir ): """Verify that the restart is valid.""" # Check that the checkpoint directory exists if os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir) is False: raise RuntimeError('The directory %s, which is ' 'required to restart a simulation, does not exist.' %checkpoint_dir) # Infer the number of processors that were used for the checkpoint # and check that it is the same as the current number of processors nproc = 0 regex_matcher = re.compile('proc\d+') for directory in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir): if regex_matcher.match(directory) is not None: nproc += 1 if nproc != comm.size: raise RuntimeError('For a valid restart, the current simulation ' 'should use %d MPI processes.' %nproc) # Check that the moving window was not yet initialized if sim.comm.moving_win is not None: raise RuntimeError('The moving window has already been initialized.\n' 'For valid restart, the moving window should be initialized *after*\n' 'calling `restart_from_checkpoint`.') def load_fields( grid, fieldtype, coord, ts, iteration ): """ Load the field information from the checkpoint `ts` into the InterpolationGrid `grid`. Parameters ---------- grid: an InterpolationGrid object The object into which data should be loaded fieldtype: string Either 'E', 'B', 'J', 'rho', or 'Er_pml', 'Et_pml', etc. Indicates which field to load. coord: string or None Either 'r', 't' or 'z'. Indicates which field to load. ts: an OpenPMDTimeSeries object Points to the checkpoint data iteration: integer The iteration of the checkpoint to be loaded. """ Nr = grid.Nr m = grid.m # Extract the field from the restart file using openpmd_viewer if m==0: field_data, info = ts.get_field( fieldtype, coord, m=m, iteration=iteration ) # Select a half-plane and transpose it to conform to FBPIC format field_data = field_data[Nr:,:].T else: # Extract the real and imaginary part by selecting the angle field_data_real, info = ts.get_field( fieldtype, coord, iteration=iteration, m=m, theta=0) field_data_imag, _ = ts.get_field( fieldtype, coord, iteration=iteration, m=m, theta=np.pi/(2*m)) # Select a half-plane and transpose it to conform to FBPIC format field_data_real = field_data_real[Nr:,:].T field_data_imag = field_data_imag[Nr:,:].T # Add the complex and imaginary part to create a complex field field_data = field_data_real + 1.j*field_data_imag # For the mode 1, there is an additional factor 0.5 to conform # to FBPIC's field representation (see field_data *= 0.5 # Affect the extracted field to the simulation if coord is not None: field_name = fieldtype+coord else: field_name = fieldtype # Perform a copy from field_data to the field in the simulation field = getattr( grid, field_name ) field[:,:] = field_data[:,:] # Get the new positions of the bounds of the simulation # (and check that the box keeps the same length) length_old = grid.zmax - grid.zmin dz = grid.zmin = info.zmin - 0.5*dz grid.zmax = info.zmax + 0.5*dz length_new = grid.zmax - grid.zmin assert np.allclose( length_old, length_new ) def load_species( species, name, ts, iteration, comm, openpmd_viewer_version ): """ Read the species data from the checkpoint `ts` and load it into the Species object `species` Parameters: ----------- species: a Species object The object into which data is loaded name: string The name of the corresponding species in the checkpoint ts: an OpenPMDTimeSeries object Points to the data in the checkpoint iteration: integer The iteration at which to load the checkpoint comm: an fbpic.BoundaryCommunicator object Contains information about the number of procs openpmd_viewer_version: int Version of openPMD-viewer that was imported (needed in order to properly read the particle positions) """ # Get the particles' positions (convert to meters) x, y, z = ts.get_particle( ['x', 'y', 'z'], iteration=iteration, species=name ) if openpmd_viewer_version == 0: # Version 0: Convert from microns to meters species.x, species.y, species.z = 1.e-6*x, 1.e-6*y, 1.e-6*z else: # Version 1: Positions are directly given in meters species.x, species.y, species.z = x, y, z # Get the particles' momenta species.ux,, = ts.get_particle( ['ux', 'uy', 'uz' ], iteration=iteration, species=name ) # Get the weight (multiply it by the charge to conform with FBPIC) species.w, = ts.get_particle( ['w'], iteration=iteration, species=name ) # Get the inverse gamma species.inv_gamma = 1./np.sqrt( 1 + species.ux**2 +**2 +**2 ) # Take into account the fact that the arrays are resized Ntot = len(species.w) species.Ntot = Ntot # Check if the particles where tracked if "id" in ts.avail_record_components[name]: pid, = ts.get_particle( ['id'], iteration=iteration, species=name ) species.track( comm ) species.tracker.overwrite_ids( pid, comm ) # If the species is ionizable, set the proper arrays if species.ionizer is not None: # Reallocate the ionization_level, and reset it with the right value species.ionizer.ionization_level = np.empty( Ntot, dtype=np.uint64 ) q, = ts.get_particle( ['charge'], iteration=iteration, species=name) species.ionizer.ionization_level[:] = np.uint64( np.round( q/e ) ) # Set the auxiliary array species.ionizer.w_times_level = \ species.w * species.ionizer.ionization_level # If species has spin tracking enabled, load the data if species.spin_tracker is not None: if 'spin/x' in ts.avail_record_components[name]:,, \ = ts.get_particle( ['spin/x', 'spin/y', 'spin/z'], iteration=iteration, species=name) # Reset the injection positions (for continuous injection) if species.continuous_injection: species.injector.reset_injection_positions() # As a safe-guard, check that the loaded data is in float64 for attr in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'w', 'inv_gamma' ]: assert getattr( species, attr ).dtype == np.float64 if species.spin_tracker is not None: for attr in ['sx', 'sy', 'sz']: assert getattr(species.spin_tracker, attr).dtype == np.float64 # Field arrays species.Ez = np.zeros( Ntot ) species.Ex = np.zeros( Ntot ) species.Ey = np.zeros( Ntot ) species.Bz = np.zeros( Ntot ) species.Bx = np.zeros( Ntot ) species.By = np.zeros( Ntot ) # Sorting arrays if species.use_cuda: # cell_idx and sorted_idx always stay on GPU species.cell_idx = cupy.empty( Ntot, dtype=np.int32) species.sorted_idx = cupy.empty( Ntot, dtype=np.intp) # sorting buffers are initialized on CPU # (because they are swapped with other particle arrays during sorting) species.sorting_buffer = np.empty( Ntot, dtype=np.float64) if hasattr( species, 'int_sorting_buffer'): species.int_sorting_buffer = np.empty( Ntot, dtype=np.uint64 ) species.sorted = False