# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file defines the class BoostedParticleDiagnostic
Major features:
- The class reuses the existing methods of ParticleDiagnostic
as much as possible through class inheritance
- The class implements memory buffering of the slices, so as
not to write to disk at every timestep
import os
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, e
from .particle_diag import ParticleDiagnostic
# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
from .cuda_methods import extract_slice_from_gpu
class BackTransformedParticleDiagnostic(ParticleDiagnostic):
Class that writes the particles *in the lab frame*,
from a simulation in the boosted frame
Particles are extracted from the simulation in slices each time step
and buffered in memory before writing to disk. On the CPU, slices of
particles are directly selected from the particle arrays of the species.
On the GPU, first particles within an area of cells surrounding the
output planes are extracted from the GPU particle arrays and stored in
a smaller GPU array, which is then copied to the CPU for selection.
The mechanism of extracting the particles within the outputplane-area
on the GPU relies on particle arrays being sorted on the GPU. For the
back-transformation to the Lab frame, interpolation in space is applied,
but no interpolation for the particle velocities is applied.
def __init__(self, zmin_lab, zmax_lab, v_lab, dt_snapshots_lab,
Ntot_snapshots_lab, gamma_boost, period, fldobject,
particle_data=["position", "momentum", "weighting"],
select=None, write_dir=None,
species={"electrons": None}, comm=None,
t_min_snapshots_lab=0., t_max_snapshots_lab=np.inf):
Initialize diagnostics that retrieve the data in the lab frame,
as a series of snapshot (one file per snapshot),
within a virtual moving window defined by zmin_lab, zmax_lab, v_lab.
The parameters defined below are specific to the back-transformed
diagnostics. See the documentation of `ParticleDiagnostic` for
the other parameters.
.. warning::
The output of the gathered fields on the particles
(``particle_data=["E", "B"]``) and of the Lorentz factor
(``particle_data=["gamma"]``) is not currently supported
for ``BackTransformedParticleDiagnostic``.
zmin_lab: float (in meters)
The position of the left edge of the virtual moving window,
*in the lab frame*, at t=0
zmax_lab: float (in meters)
The position of the right edge of the virtual moving window,
*in the lab frame*, at t=0
v_lab: float (m.s^-1)
Speed of the moving window *in the lab frame*
dt_snapshots_lab: float (seconds)
Time interval *in the lab frame* between two successive snapshots
Ntot_snapshots_lab: int
Total number of snapshots that this diagnostic will produce
period: int
Number of iterations for which the data is accumulated in memory,
before finally writing it to the disk.
fldobject : a Fields object,
The Fields object of the simulation, that is needed to
extract some information about the grid
t_min_snapshots_lab, t_max_snapshots_lab: floats (seconds)
The time *in the lab frame* between which snapshots are created
(`t_min_snapshots_lab` is inclusive,
`t_max_snapshots_lab` is exclusive).
# Do not leave write_dir as None, as this may conflict with
# the default directory ('./diags') in which diagnostics in the
# boosted frame are written
if write_dir is None:
write_dir = 'lab_diags'
# Initialize Particle diagnostic normal attributes
ParticleDiagnostic.__init__(self, period, species,
comm, particle_data, select, write_dir)
# Register the Field object
self.fld = fldobject
# Register the boost quantities
self.gamma_boost = gamma_boost
self.inv_gamma_boost = 1./gamma_boost
self.beta_boost = np.sqrt(1. - self.inv_gamma_boost**2)
self.inv_beta_boost = 1./self.beta_boost
# Create the list of LabSnapshot objects
self.snapshots = []
for i in range( Ntot_snapshots_lab ):
t_lab = i*dt_snapshots_lab
if t_lab >= t_min_snapshots_lab and t_lab < t_max_snapshots_lab:
snapshot = LabSnapshot( t_lab,
zmin_lab + v_lab*t_lab,
zmax_lab + v_lab*t_lab,
self.write_dir, i ,self.species_dict )
# Initialize a corresponding empty file to store particles
self.create_file_empty_slice(snapshot.filename, i,
snapshot.t_lab, self.dt)
# Create the ParticleCatcher object
# (This object will extract the particles (slices) that crossed the
# output plane at each iteration.)
self.particle_catcher = ParticleCatcher(
self.gamma_boost, self.beta_boost, self.fld )
def write( self, iteration ):
Redefines the method write of the parent class ParticleDiagnostic
iteration : int
Current iteration of the boosted frame simulation
# At each timestep, store a slice of the particles in memory buffers
# Every self.period, write the buffered slices to disk
if iteration % self.period == 0:
def store_snapshot_slices( self, iteration ):
Store slices of the particles in the memory buffers of the
corresponding lab snapshots
iteration : int
Current iteration of the boosted frame simulation
# Find the limits of the local subdomain at this iteration
zmin_boost = self.fld.interp[0].zmin
zmax_boost = self.fld.interp[0].zmax
# Extract the current time in the boosted frame
time = iteration * self.dt
# Loop through the labsnapshots
for snapshot in self.snapshots:
# Update the positions of the output slice of this snapshot
# in the lab and boosted frame (current_z_lab and current_z_boost)
snapshot.update_current_output_positions( time,
self.inv_gamma_boost, self.inv_beta_boost)
# For this snapshot:
# - check if the output position *in the boosted frame*
# is in the current local domain
# - check if the output position *in the lab frame*
# is within the lab-frame boundaries of the current snapshot
if ( (snapshot.current_z_boost >= zmin_boost) and \
(snapshot.current_z_boost < zmax_boost) and \
(snapshot.current_z_lab >= snapshot.zmin_lab) and \
(snapshot.current_z_lab < snapshot.zmax_lab) ):
# Loop through the particle species and register the
# data dictionaries in the snapshot objects (buffering)
for species_name in self.species_names_list:
species = self.species_dict[species_name]
# Extract the slice of particles
slice_data_dict = self.particle_catcher.extract_slice(
species, snapshot.current_z_boost,
snapshot.prev_z_boost, time, self.select)
# Register new slice in the LabSnapshot
snapshot.register_slice( slice_data_dict, species_name )
def flush_to_disk(self):
Writes the buffered slices of particles to the disk. Erase the
buffered slices of the LabSnapshot objects
# Loop through the labsnapshots and flush the data
for snapshot in self.snapshots:
# Compact the successive slices that have been buffered
# over time into a single array
for species_name in self.species_names_list:
# Get list of quantities to be written to file
quantities_in_file = self.array_quantities_dict[species_name]
# Compact the slices in a single array (on each proc)
local_particle_dict = snapshot.compact_slices(species_name,
quantities_in_file )
# Gather the slices on the first proc
if self.comm is not None and self.comm.size > 1:
particle_dict = self.gather_particle_arrays(
local_particle_dict, quantities_in_file )
particle_dict = local_particle_dict
# The first proc writes this array to disk
# (if this snapshot has new slices)
if self.rank==0:
self.write_slices( particle_dict, species_name, snapshot )
# Erase the previous slices
snapshot.buffered_slices[species_name] = []
def gather_particle_arrays( self, local_dict, quantities_in_file ):
Gather the compacted arrays of particle slices, on the proc `root`
local_dict: A dictionary of 1d arrays of shape (n_particles_local,)
A dictionary that contains the quantities on one MPI rank.
quantities_in_file: list of strings
The quantities that will be written into the openPMD
file, for this species.
gathered_dict: A dictionary of 1d arrays of shape (n_particles_total,)
(None is returned on all other processors than root.)
# Send the local number of particles to all procs
n_particles_local = len( local_dict[ quantities_in_file[0] ] )
n_particles_list = self.comm.mpi_comm.allgather( n_particles_local )
# Prepare the send and receive buffers
gathered_dict = {}
n_particles_tot = sum( n_particles_list )
# Loop through the quantities and perform the MPI gather
for quantity in quantities_in_file:
gathered_dict[quantity] = self.comm.gather_ptcl_array(
local_dict[quantity], n_particles_list, n_particles_tot )
# Return the gathered dictionary
return( gathered_dict )
def write_slices( self, particle_dict, species_name, snapshot ):
For one given snapshot, write the slices of the
different species to an openPMD file
particle_dict: A dictionary of 1d arrays of shape (n_particles_local,)
A dictionary that contains the different particle quantities,
whose keys are self.arrays_quantities[species_name]
species_name: String
A String that acts as the key for the buffered_slices dictionary
snapshot: a LabSnaphot object
# Open the file without parallel I/O in this implementation
f = self.open_file(snapshot.filename)
particle_path = "/data/%d/particles/%s" %(snapshot.iteration,
species_grp = f[particle_path]
# Loop over the different quantities that should be written
for quantity in self.array_quantities_dict[species_name]:
if quantity in ["x","y","z"]:
path = "position/%s" %(quantity)
data = particle_dict[ quantity ]
self.write_particle_slices(species_grp, path, data, quantity)
elif quantity in ["ux","uy","uz"]:
path = "momentum/%s" %(quantity[-1])
data = particle_dict[ quantity ]
self.write_particle_slices( species_grp, path, data, quantity)
elif quantity in ["w", "charge", "id"]:
if quantity == "w":
path = "weighting"
path = quantity
data = particle_dict[ quantity ]
self.write_particle_slices(species_grp, path, data, quantity)
# Close the file
def write_particle_slices( self, species_grp, path, data, quantity ):
Writes each quantity of the buffered dataset to the disk, the
final step of the writing
dset = species_grp[path]
index = dset.shape[0]
# Resize the h5py dataset
dset.resize(index+len(data), axis=0)
# Write the data to the dataset at correct indices
dset[index:] = data
def create_file_empty_slice( self, fullpath, iteration, time, dt ):
Create an openPMD file with empty meshes and setup all its attributes
fullpath: string
The absolute path to the file to be created
iteration: int
The iteration number of this diagnostic
time: float (seconds)
The physical time at this ibteration
dt: float (seconds)
The timestep of the simulation
# Create the file
f = self.open_file( fullpath )
# Setup the different layers of the openPMD file
# (f is None if this processor does not participate is writing data)
if f is not None:
# Setup the attributes of the top level of the file
self.setup_openpmd_file( f, iteration, time, dt )
# Setup the meshes group (contains all the particles)
particle_path = "/data/%d/particles/" %iteration
for species_name in self.species_names_list:
species = self.species_dict[species_name]
species_path = particle_path+"%s/" %(species_name)
# Create and setup the h5py.Group species_grp
species_grp = f.require_group( species_path )
self.setup_openpmd_species_group( species_grp, species,
# Loop over the different quantities that should be written
# and setup the corresponding datasets
for quantity in self.array_quantities_dict[species_name]:
if quantity in ["x", "y", "z"]:
quantity_path = "position/%s" %(quantity)
dset = species_grp.require_dataset(
quantity_path, (0,),
maxshape=(None,), dtype='f8')
self.setup_openpmd_species_component( dset, quantity )
elif quantity in ["ux", "uy", "uz"]:
quantity_path = "momentum/%s" %(quantity[-1])
dset = species_grp.require_dataset(
quantity_path, (0,),
maxshape=(None,), dtype='f8')
self.setup_openpmd_species_component( dset, quantity )
elif quantity in ["w", "id", "charge"]:
if quantity == "w":
particle_var = "weighting"
particle_var = quantity
if quantity == "id":
dtype = 'uint64'
dtype = 'f8'
dset = species_grp.require_dataset(
particle_var, (0,), maxshape=(None,), dtype=dtype )
self.setup_openpmd_species_component( dset, quantity )
species_grp[particle_var], particle_var )
else :
raise ValueError(
"Invalid quantity for particle output: %s"
%(quantity) )
# Setup the hdf5 groups for "position" and "momentum"
if self.rank == 0:
if "x" in self.array_quantities_dict[species_name]:
species_grp["position"], "position" )
if "ux" in self.array_quantities_dict[species_name]:
species_grp["momentum"], "momentum" )
# Close the file
class LabSnapshot:
Class that stores data relative to one given snapshot
in the lab frame (i.e. one given *time* in the lab frame)
def __init__( self, t_lab, zmin_lab, zmax_lab, dt,
write_dir, i, species_dict ):
Initialize a LabSnapshot
t_lab: float (seconds)
Time of this snapshot *in the lab frame*
zmin_lab, zmax_lab: floats (meters)
Longitudinal limits of this snapshot
write_dir: string
Absolute path to the directory where the data for
this snapshot is to be written
dt : float (s)
The timestep of the simulation in the boosted frame
i: int
Number of the file where this snapshot is to be written
species_dict: dict
Contains all the species name of the species object
(inherited from Warp)
# Deduce the name of the filename where this snapshot writes
self.filename = os.path.join( write_dir, 'hdf5/data%08d.h5' %i)
self.iteration = i
self.dt = dt
# Time and boundaries in the lab frame (constant quantities)
self.zmin_lab = zmin_lab
self.zmax_lab = zmax_lab
self.t_lab = t_lab
# Positions where the fields are to be registered
# (Change at every iteration)
self.current_z_lab = 0
self.current_z_boost = 0
# Initialize empty dictionary to buffer the slices for each species
self.buffered_slices = {}
for species in species_dict:
self.buffered_slices[species] = []
def update_current_output_positions( self, t_boost, inv_gamma, inv_beta ):
Update the current and previous positions of output for this snapshot,
so that it corresponds to the time t_boost in the boosted frame
t_boost: float (seconds)
Time of the current iteration, in the boosted frame
inv_gamma, inv_beta: floats
Inverse of the Lorentz factor of the boost, and inverse
of the corresponding beta
# Some shorcuts for further calculation's purposes
t_lab = self.t_lab
t_boost_prev = t_boost - self.dt
# This implements the Lorentz transformation formulas,
# for a snapshot having a fixed t_lab
self.current_z_boost = (t_lab*inv_gamma - t_boost)*c*inv_beta
self.prev_z_boost = (t_lab*inv_gamma - t_boost_prev)*c*inv_beta
self.current_z_lab = (t_lab - t_boost*inv_gamma)*c*inv_beta
self.prev_z_lab = (t_lab - t_boost_prev*inv_gamma)*c*inv_beta
def register_slice( self, slice_data_dict, species ):
Store the slice of particles represented by slice_data_dict
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation, including optional integer arrays (e.g. "id"),
as given by the ParticleCatcher object
species: String, key of the species_dict
Act as the key for the buffered_slices dictionary
# Store the values
def compact_slices( self, species, quantities_in_file ):
Compact the successive slices that have been buffered
over time into a single array.
species: String, key of the species_dict
Act as the key for the buffered_slices dictionary
quantities_in_file: list of strings
The quantities that will be written into the openPMD
file, for this species.
particle_data_dict: dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains only the particle quantities
that will be finally written to file, with compacted arrays.
# Prepare dictionary
particle_data_dict = {}
# Loop through the particle quantities that will be written to file,
# and compact the buffered arrays into a single array
if self.buffered_slices[species] != []:
for quantity in quantities_in_file:
buffered_arrays = [ slice_dict[quantity] \
for slice_dict in self.buffered_slices[species] ]
particle_data_dict[quantity] = np.concatenate(buffered_arrays)
for quantity in quantities_in_file:
if quantity == 'id':
dtype = np.uint64
dtype = np.float64
particle_data_dict[quantity] = np.zeros( (0,), dtype=dtype )
class ParticleCatcher:
Class that extracts, Lorentz-transforms and gathers particles
def __init__( self, gamma_boost, beta_boost, fldobject ):
Initialize the ParticleCatcher object
gamma_boost, beta_boost: float
The Lorentz factor of the boost and the corresponding beta
fldobject : a Fields object,
The Fields object of the simulation, that is needed to
extract some information about the grid
# Some attributes necessary for particle selections
self.gamma_boost = gamma_boost
self.beta_boost = beta_boost
# Register the fields object
self.fld = fldobject
self.dt = self.fld.dt
def extract_slice( self, species, current_z_boost, previous_z_boost,
t, select=None ):
Extract a slice of the particles at z_boost and if select is present,
extract only the particles that satisfy the given criteria
species : A ParticleObject
Contains the particle attributes to output
current_z_boost, previous_z_boost : float (m)
Current and previous position of the output plane
in the boosted frame
t : float (s)
Current time of the simulation in the boosted frame
select : dict
A set of rules defined by the users in selecting the particles
z: {"uz" : [50, 100]} for particles which have normalized
momenta between 50 and 100
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
# Get a dictionary containing the particle data
# When running on the GPU, this only copies to CPU the particles
# within a small area around the output plane.
# (Return the result in the form of a dictionary of 1darrays)
particle_data_dict = self.get_particle_data(
species, current_z_boost, previous_z_boost, t )
# Get the selection of particles (slice) that crossed the
# output plane during the last iteration
# (Return the result in the form of a dictionary of smaller 1darrays)
slice_data_dict = self.get_particle_slice(
particle_data_dict, current_z_boost, previous_z_boost )
# Backpropagate particles to correct output position and
# transform particle attributes to the lab frame
# (Modifies the arrays of `slice_data_dict` in place.)
slice_data_dict = self.interpolate_particles_to_lab_frame(
slice_data_dict, current_z_boost, t )
# Choose the particles based on the select criteria defined by the
# users. Notice: this implementation still comes with a cost,
# one way to optimize it would be to do the selection before Lorentz
# transformation back to the lab frame
if (select is not None):
# Find the particles that should be selected and resize
# the arrays in `slice_data_dict` accordingly
slice_data_dict = self.apply_selection(select, slice_data_dict)
# Convert data to the OpenPMD standard
slice_data_dict = self.apply_opmd_standard( slice_data_dict, species )
return slice_data_dict
def get_particle_data( self, species, current_z_boost,
previous_z_boost, t ):
Extract the particle data from the species object.
In case CUDA is used, only a selection of particles
(i.e. particles that are within cells corresponding
to the immediate neighborhood of the output plane)
is received from the GPU (increases performance).
species : A ParticleObject
Contains the particle attributes to output
current_z_boost, previous_z_boost : float (m)
Current and previous position of the output plane
in the boosted frame
t : float (s)
Current time of the simulation in the boosted frame
particle_data : A dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
if species.use_cuda is False:
# Create a dictionary containing the particle attributes
particle_data = {
'x': species.x, 'y': species.y, 'z': species.z,
'ux': species.ux, 'uy' : species.uy, 'uz': species.uz,
'w': species.w, 'inv_gamma': species.inv_gamma }
# Optional integer quantities
if species.ionizer is not None:
particle_data['charge'] = species.ionizer.ionization_level
if species.tracker is not None:
particle_data['id'] = species.tracker.id
# Check if particles are sorted, otherwise sort them
if species.sorted == False:
# The particles are now sorted and rearranged
species.sorted = True
# Precalculating quantities and shortcuts
dt = self.fld.dt
dz = self.fld.interp[0].dz
zmin = self.fld.interp[0].zmin
pref_sum = species.prefix_sum
pref_sum_shift = species.prefix_sum_shift
Nz, Nr = species.grid_shape
# Calculate cell area to get particles from
# - Get z indices of the slices in which to get the particles
# (mirrors the index calculation in `get_cell_idx_per_particle`)
iz_curr = int(math.ceil((current_z_boost-zmin-0.5*dz)/dz))
iz_prev = int(math.ceil((previous_z_boost-zmin-0.5*dz + dt*c)/dz)) + 1
# - Get the prefix sum values that correspond to these indices
# (Take into account potential shift due to the moving window)
z_cell_curr = iz_curr + pref_sum_shift
if z_cell_curr <= 0:
pref_sum_curr = 0
elif z_cell_curr > Nz:
pref_sum_curr = species.Ntot
pref_sum_curr = int(pref_sum[ z_cell_curr*(Nr+1) - 1 ])
z_cell_prev = iz_prev + pref_sum_shift
if z_cell_prev <= 0:
pref_sum_prev = 0
elif z_cell_prev > Nz:
pref_sum_prev = species.Ntot
pref_sum_prev = int(pref_sum[ z_cell_prev*(Nr+1) - 1 ])
# Calculate number of particles in this area (N_area)
N_area = pref_sum_prev - pref_sum_curr
# Check if there are particles to extract
if N_area > 0:
# Only copy a particle slice of size N_area from the GPU
particle_data = extract_slice_from_gpu(
pref_sum_curr, N_area, species )
# Empty particle data
particle_data = {}
for var in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'w', 'inv_gamma']:
particle_data[var] = np.empty( (0,), dtype=np.float64 )
# Empty optional integer quantities
if species.ionizer is not None:
particle_data['charge'] = np.empty( (0,), dtype=np.uint64 )
if species.tracker is not None:
particle_data['id'] = np.empty( (0,), dtype=np.uint64 )
return( particle_data )
def get_particle_slice( self, particle_data, current_z_boost,
previous_z_boost ):
Get the selection of particles that crossed the output
plane during the last iteration.
particle_data : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
current_z_boost, previous_z_boost : float (m)
Current and previous position of the output plane
in the boosted frame
slice_data : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
Contains the same keys as particle_data, but with smaller
arrays which contain only the particles of the slice.
# Shortcut
pd = particle_data
# Calculate current and previous position in z
current_z = pd['z']
previous_z = pd['z']-pd['uz']*pd['inv_gamma']*c*self.dt
# A particle array for mapping purposes
particle_indices = np.arange(len(current_z))
# For this snapshot:
# - check if the output position *in the boosted frame*
# crosses the zboost in a forward motion
# - check if the output position *in the boosted frame*
# crosses the zboost_prev in a backward motion
selected_indices = np.compress((
((current_z >= current_z_boost)&(previous_z <= previous_z_boost))|
((current_z <= current_z_boost)&(previous_z >= previous_z_boost))),
# Create dictionary which contains only the selected particles
slice_data = {}
for quantity in pd.keys():
slice_data[quantity] = \
np.take( particle_data[quantity], selected_indices)
return( slice_data )
def interpolate_particles_to_lab_frame( self, slice_data_dict,
current_z_boost, t ):
Transform the particle quantities from the boosted frame to the
lab frame. These are classical Lorentz transformation equations.
`slice_data_dict` is modified in place.
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
current_z_boost : float (m)
Current position of the output plane in the boosted frame
t : float (s)
Current time of the simulation in the boosted frame
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
# Shortcuts for particle attributes
x = slice_data_dict['x']
y = slice_data_dict['y']
z = slice_data_dict['z']
ux = slice_data_dict['ux']
uy = slice_data_dict['uy']
uz = slice_data_dict['uz']
inv_gamma = slice_data_dict['inv_gamma']
# Calculate time (t_cross) when particle and plane intersect
# Velocity of the particles
v_z = uz*inv_gamma*c
# Velocity of the plane
v_plane = -c/self.beta_boost
# Time in the boosted frame when particles cross the output plane
t_cross = t - (current_z_boost - z) / (v_plane - v_z)
# Push particles to position of plane intersection
x += c*(t_cross - t)*inv_gamma*ux
y += c*(t_cross - t)*inv_gamma*uy
z += c*(t_cross - t)*inv_gamma*uz
# Back-transformation of position with updated time (t_cross)
z_lab = self.gamma_boost*( z + self.beta_boost*c*t_cross )
# Back-transformation of momentum
gamma = 1./inv_gamma
uz_lab = self.gamma_boost*uz + gamma*(self.beta_boost*self.gamma_boost)
# Replace the arrays that have been modified, in `slice_data_dict`
slice_data_dict['x'] = x
slice_data_dict['y'] = y
slice_data_dict['z'] = z_lab
slice_data_dict['uz'] = uz_lab
# Remove `inv_gamma`, since it is not needed anymore, now at the
# Lorentz transform has been performed.
def apply_opmd_standard( self, slice_data_dict, species ):
Apply the OpenPMD standard to the particle quantities.
Momentum (u) is multiplied by m * c and weights are
divided by the particle charge q.
'Charge' (for ionizable ions) is multiplied by e, and
thus becomes a float array.
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
species : A ParticleObject
Contains the particle data and the meta-data
needed for the conversion to the OpenPMD format.
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id")
# Normalize momenta
# (only for species that have a mass)
for quantity in ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']:
if species.m > 0:
slice_data_dict[quantity] *= species.m * c
# Convert ionizable level (integer) to charge in Coulombs (float)
if 'charge' in slice_data_dict:
slice_data_dict['charge'] = slice_data_dict['charge']*e
return slice_data_dict
def apply_selection( self, select, slice_data_dict ) :
Apply the rules of self.select to determine which
particles should be written. Modify the arrays of
`slice_data_dict` so that only the selected particles remain.
select : a dictionary that defines all selection rules based
on the quantities
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
slice_data_dict : dictionary of 1D float and integer arrays
A dictionary that contains the particle data of
the simulation (with normalized weigths), including optional
integer arrays (e.g. "id", "charge")
# Initialize an array filled with True
N_part_slice = len( slice_data_dict['w'] )
select_array = np.ones( N_part_slice, dtype='bool' )
# Apply the rules successively
# Go through the quantities on which a rule applies
for quantity in select.keys() :
# Lower bound
if select[quantity][0] is not None :
select_array = np.logical_and( select_array,
slice_data_dict[quantity] > select[quantity][0] )
# Upper bound
if select[quantity][1] is not None :
select_array = np.logical_and( select_array,
slice_data_dict[quantity] < select[quantity][1] )
# At this point, `select_array` contains True
# wherever a particle should be kept
# Loop through the keys of `select_array` and select only the
# particles that should be kept.
for quantity in slice_data_dict.keys():
slice_data_dict[quantity] = slice_data_dict[quantity][select_array]
return slice_data_dict
# Alias, for backward compatibility
BoostedParticleDiagnostic = BackTransformedParticleDiagnostic