Source code for fbpic.lpa_utils.laser.laser_profiles

# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)
It defines a set of common laser profiles.
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, m_e, e, epsilon_0
import h5py
import numba
from .longitudinal_laser_profiles import GaussianChirpedLongitudinalProfile
from .transverse_laser_profiles import GaussianTransverseProfile, \
    LaguerreGaussTransverseProfile, DonutLikeLaguerreGaussTransverseProfile, \

# Generic classes
# ---------------

class LaserProfile( object ):
    Base class for all laser profiles.

    Any new laser profile should inherit from this class, and define its own
    `E_field` method, using the same signature as the method below.

    Profiles that inherit from this base class can be summed,
    using the overloaded + operator.
    def __init__( self, propagation_direction, gpu_capable=False ):
        Initialize the propagation direction of the laser.
        (Each subclass should call this method at initialization.)

        propagation_direction: int
            Indicates in which direction the laser propagates.
            This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z)
            or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z).
        gpu_capable: boolean
            Indicates whether this laser profile works with cupy arrays on
            GPU. This is usually the case if it only uses standard arithmetic
            and numpy operations. Default: False.
        assert propagation_direction in [-1, 1]
        self.propag_direction = float(propagation_direction)
        self.gpu_capable = gpu_capable

    def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ):
        Return the electric field of the laser

        x, y, z: ndarrays (meters)
            The positions at which to calculate the profile (in the lab frame)
        t: ndarray or float (seconds)
            The time at which to calculate the profile (in the lab frame)

        Ex, Ey: ndarrays (V/m)
            Arrays of the same shape as x, y, z, containing the fields
        # The base class only defines dummy fields
        # (This should be replaced by any class that inherits from this one.)
        return( np.zeros_like(x), np.zeros_like(x) )

    def __add__( self, other ):
        Overload the + operations for laser profiles
        return( SummedLaserProfile( self, other ) )

class SummedLaserProfile( LaserProfile ):
    Class that represents the sum of two instances of LaserProfile
    def __init__( self, profile1, profile2 ):
        Initialize the sum of two instances of LaserProfile

        profile1, profile2: instances of LaserProfile
        # Check that both profiles propagate in the same direction
        assert profile1.propag_direction == profile2.propag_direction
        LaserProfile.__init__(self, profile1.propag_direction)

        # Register the profiles from which the sum should be calculated
        self.profile1 = profile1
        self.profile2 = profile2

    def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ):
        See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field
        Ex1, Ey1 = self.profile1.E_field( x, y, z, t )
        Ex2, Ey2 = self.profile2.E_field( x, y, z, t )
        return( Ex1+Ex2, Ey1+Ey2 )

class ParaxialApproximationLaser( LaserProfile ):
    """Class that defines a laser pulse by combining a longitudinal
    and transverse profile under the paraxial approxiation."""
    def __init__(self, longitudinal_profile, transverse_profile,
                 E_laser, theta_pol=0.):
        Construct a laser profile E(x,y,z,t) by combining a complex
        longitudinal E(z,t) and transverse E(x,y,z) profile, which is valid
        under the paraxial approximation. The combined profile is normalized
        to a given pulse energy.

        longitudinal_profile: an instance of :any:`LaserLongitudinalProfile`
            Defines the longitudinal profile E(z,t) of the laser pulse.

        transverse_profile: an instance of :any:`LaserTransverseProfile`
            Defines the transverse profile E(z,t) of the laser pulse.

        E_laser: float (J)
            The total energy of the pulse in Joule. The peak intensity
            of the laser pulse depends on this energy and the specific
            longitudinal and transverse profile used.

        theta_pol: float (in radian), optional
           The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis.
        # Initialize arbitrary propagation direction and GPU capability
        # (will be overwritten below)
        LaserProfile.__init__(self, 1)

        # Initialize a longitudinal profile
        self.longitudinal_profile = longitudinal_profile
        # Initialize a transverse profile
        self.transverse_profile = transverse_profile
        # Inherit and check parameter consistency of the individual profiles
        self.propag_direction = longitudinal_profile.propag_direction
        assert self.propag_direction == transverse_profile.propag_direction
        k0 = self.longitudinal_profile.k0
        assert k0 == self.transverse_profile.k0
        # Inherit GPU capability
        self.gpu_capable = self.longitudinal_profile.gpu_capable and \

        # Calculate and store a number of parameters for the laser
        self.k0 = k0
        long_int = self.longitudinal_profile.squared_profile_integral()
        trans_int = self.transverse_profile.squared_profile_integral()
        # Define a normalized peak electric field E0
        # (Note that for a transform-limited Gaussian laser pulse, E0
        # corresponds to the peak electric field at the focus. For any other
        # profile, however, the actual peak electric field can be different.)
        E0 = np.sqrt( 2*E_laser / (epsilon_0 * long_int * trans_int ) )
        self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol)
        self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol)

    def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ):
        See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field
        # The laser profile is constructed by combining a complex
        # longitudinal and transverse profile, which is valid under the
        # paraxial approximation.
        profile = self.longitudinal_profile.evaluate(z, t) * \
                  self.transverse_profile.evaluate(x, y, z)
        # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization
        Ex = self.E0x * profile
        Ey = self.E0y * profile

        return( Ex.real, Ey.real )

# Particular classes for each laser profile
# -----------------------------------------

[docs] class GaussianLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that calculates a Gaussian laser pulse.""" def __init__( self, a0, waist, tau, z0, zf=None, theta_pol=0., lambda0=0.8e-6, cep_phase=0., phi2_chirp=0., propagation_direction=1 ): """ Define a linearly-polarized Gaussian laser profile. More precisely, the electric field **near the focal plane** is given by: .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t) = a_0\\times E_0\, \exp\left( -\\frac{r^2}{w_0^2} - \\frac{(z-z_0-ct)^2}{c^2\\tau^2} \\right) \cos[ k_0( z - z_0 - ct ) - \phi_{cep} ] where :math:`k_0 = 2\pi/\\lambda_0` is the wavevector and where :math:`E_0 = m_e c^2 k_0 / q_e` is the field amplitude for :math:`a_0=1`. .. note:: The additional terms that arise **far from the focal plane** (Gouy phase, wavefront curvature, ...) are not included in the above formula for simplicity, but are of course taken into account by the code, when initializing the laser pulse away from the focal plane. Parameters ---------- a0: float (dimensionless) The peak normalized vector potential at the focal plane, defined as :math:`a_0` in the above formula. waist: float (in meter) Laser waist at the focal plane, defined as :math:`w_0` in the above formula. tau: float (in second) The duration of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\tau` in the above formula. z0: float (in meter) The initial position of the centroid of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`z_0` in the above formula. zf: float (in meter), optional The position of the focal plane (in the lab frame). If ``zf`` is not provided, the code assumes that ``zf=z0``, i.e. that the laser pulse is at the focal plane initially. theta_pol: float (in radian), optional The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis. lambda0: float (in meter), optional The wavelength of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\lambda_0` in the above formula. Default: 0.8 microns (Ti:Sapph laser). cep_phase: float (in radian), optional The Carrier Enveloppe Phase (CEP), defined as :math:`\phi_{cep}` in the above formula (i.e. the phase of the laser oscillation, at the position where the laser enveloppe is maximum) phi2_chirp: float (in second^2) The amount of temporal chirp, at focus (in the lab frame) Namely, a wave packet centered on the frequency :math:`(\omega_0 + \delta \omega)` will reach its peak intensity at :math:`z(\delta \omega) = z_0 - c \phi^{(2)} \, \delta \omega`. Thus, a positive :math:`\phi^{(2)}` corresponds to positive chirp, i.e. red part of the spectrum in the front of the pulse and blue part of the spectrum in the back. propagation_direction: int, optional Indicates in which direction the laser propagates. This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z) or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z). """ # Initialize propagation direction LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction) # Calculate and store a number of parameters for the laser k0 = 2 * np.pi / lambda0 E0 = a0 * m_e * c ** 2 * k0 / e self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol) self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol) # If no focal plane position is given, use z0 if zf is None: zf = z0 # Initialize a Gaussian longitudinal profile self.longitudinal_profile = GaussianChirpedLongitudinalProfile( tau=tau, z0=z0, lambda0=lambda0, cep_phase=cep_phase, phi2_chirp=phi2_chirp, propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Initialize a Gaussian transverse profile self.transverse_profile = GaussianTransverseProfile( waist=waist, zf=zf, lambda0=lambda0, propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Inherit GPU capability of the individual profiles self.gpu_capable = self.longitudinal_profile.gpu_capable and \ self.transverse_profile.gpu_capable def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ # The laser profile is constructed by combining a complex # longitudinal and transverse profile, which is valid under the # paraxial approximation. profile = self.longitudinal_profile.evaluate(z, t) * \ self.transverse_profile.evaluate(x, y, z) # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization Ex = self.E0x * profile Ey = self.E0y * profile return( Ex.real, Ey.real )
[docs] class LaguerreGaussLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that calculates a Laguerre-Gauss pulse.""" def __init__( self, p, m, a0, waist, tau, z0, zf=None, theta_pol=0., lambda0=0.8e-6, cep_phase=0., theta0=0., propagation_direction=1 ): """ Define a linearly-polarized Laguerre-Gauss laser profile. Unlike the :any:`DonutLikeLaguerreGaussLaser` profile, this profile has a phase which is independent of the azimuthal angle :math:`theta`, and an intensity profile which does depend on :math:`theta`. More precisely, the electric field **near the focal plane** is given by: .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t) = a_0\\times E_0 \, f(r, \\theta) \, \exp\left( -\\frac{r^2}{w_0^2} - \\frac{(z-z_0-ct)^2}{c^2\\tau^2} \\right) \cos[ k_0( z - z_0 - ct ) - \phi_{cep} ] \mathrm{with} \qquad f(r, \\theta) = \sqrt{\\frac{p!(2-\delta_{m,0})}{(m+p)!}} \\left( \\frac{\sqrt{2}r}{w_0} \\right)^m L^m_p\\left( \\frac{2 r^2}{w_0^2} \\right) \cos[ m(\\theta - \\theta_0)] where :math:`L^m_p` is a Laguerre polynomial, :math:`k_0 = 2\pi/\\lambda_0` is the wavevector and where :math:`E_0 = m_e c^2 k_0 / q_e`. (For more info, see `Siegman, Lasers (1986) <>`_, Chapter 16: Wave optics and Gaussian beams) .. note:: The additional terms that arise **far from the focal plane** (Gouy phase, wavefront curvature, ...) are not included in the above formula for simplicity, but are of course taken into account by the code, when initializing the laser pulse away from the focal plane. .. warning:: The above formula depends on a parameter :math:`m` (see documentation below). In order to be properly resolved by the simulation, a Laguerre-Gauss profile with a given :math:`m` requires the azimuthal modes from :math:`0` to :math:`m+1`. (i.e. the number of required azimuthal modes is ``Nm=m+2``) The non-linear plasma response for this profile (e.g. wakefield driven by the ponderomotive force) may require even more azimuthal modes. Parameters ---------- p: int (positive) The order of the Laguerre polynomial. (Increasing ``p`` increases the number of "rings" in the radial intensity profile of the laser.) m: int (positive) The azimuthal order of the pulse. (In the transverse plane, the field of the pulse varies as :math:`\cos[m(\\theta-\\theta_0)]`.) a0: float (dimensionless) The amplitude of the pulse, defined so that the total energy of the pulse is the same as that of a Gaussian pulse with the same :math:`a_0`, :math:`w_0` and :math:`\\tau`. (i.e. The energy of the pulse is independent of ``p`` and ``m``.) waist: float (in meter) Laser waist at the focal plane, defined as :math:`w_0` in the above formula. tau: float (in second) The duration of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\tau` in the above formula. z0: float (in meter) The initial position of the centroid of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`z_0` in the above formula. zf: float (in meter), optional The position of the focal plane (in the lab frame). If ``zf`` is not provided, the code assumes that ``zf=z0``, i.e. that the laser pulse is at the focal plane initially. theta_pol: float (in radian), optional The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis. lambda0: float (in meter), optional The wavelength of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\lambda_0` in the above formula. Default: 0.8 microns (Ti:Sapph laser). cep_phase: float (in radian), optional The Carrier Enveloppe Phase (CEP), defined as :math:`\phi_{cep}` in the above formula (i.e. the phase of the laser oscillation, at the position where the laser enveloppe is maximum) theta0: float (in radian), optional The azimuthal position of (one of) the maxima of intensity, in the transverse plane. (In the transverse plane, the field of the pulse varies as :math:`\cos[m(\\theta-\\theta_0)]`.) propagation_direction: int, optional Indicates in which direction the laser propagates. This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z) or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z). """ # Initialize propagation direction LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction) # Set and store a number of parameters for the laser k0 = 2 * np.pi / lambda0 E0 = a0 * m_e * c ** 2 * k0 / e self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol) self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol) # If no focal plane position is given, use z0 if zf is None: zf = z0 # Initialize a Gaussian longitudinal profile with zero chirp self.longitudinal_profile = GaussianChirpedLongitudinalProfile( tau=tau, z0=z0, lambda0=lambda0, cep_phase=cep_phase, phi2_chirp=0., propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Initialize a Laguerre-Gauss transverse profile self.transverse_profile = LaguerreGaussTransverseProfile( p=p, m=m, waist=waist, zf=zf, lambda0=lambda0, theta0=theta0, propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Inherit GPU capability of the individual profiles self.gpu_capable = self.longitudinal_profile.gpu_capable and \ self.transverse_profile.gpu_capable def E_field(self, x, y, z, t): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ # The laser profile is constructed by combining a complex # longitudinal and transverse profile, which is valid under the # paraxial approximation. profile = self.longitudinal_profile.evaluate(z, t) * \ self.transverse_profile.evaluate(x, y, z) # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization Ex = self.E0x * profile Ey = self.E0y * profile return (Ex.real, Ey.real)
[docs] class DonutLikeLaguerreGaussLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that calculates a donut-like Laguerre-Gauss pulse.""" def __init__( self, p, m, a0, waist, tau, z0, zf=None, theta_pol=0., lambda0=0.8e-6, cep_phase=0., propagation_direction=1 ): """ Define a linearly-polarized donut-like Laguerre-Gauss laser profile. Unlike the :any:`LaguerreGaussLaser` profile, this profile has a phase which depends on the azimuthal angle :math:`\\theta` (cork-screw pattern), and an intensity profile which is independent on :math:`\\theta` (donut-like). More precisely, the electric field **near the focal plane** is given by: .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t) = a_0\\times E_0 \, f(r) \, \exp\left( -\\frac{r^2}{w_0^2} - \\frac{(z-z_0-ct)^2}{c^2\\tau^2} \\right) \cos[ k_0( z - z_0 - ct ) - m\\theta - \phi_{cep} ] \mathrm{with} \qquad f(r) = \sqrt{\\frac{p!}{(|m|+p)!}} \\left( \\frac{\sqrt{2}r}{w_0} \\right)^{|m|} L^{|m|}_p\\left( \\frac{2 r^2}{w_0^2} \\right) where :math:`L^m_p` is a Laguerre polynomial, :math:`k_0 = 2\pi/\\lambda_0` is the wavevector and where :math:`E_0 = m_e c^2 k_0 / q_e`. (For more info, see `Siegman, Lasers (1986) <>`_, Chapter 16: Wave optics and Gaussian beams) .. note:: The additional terms that arise **far from the focal plane** (Gouy phase, wavefront curvature, ...) are not included in the above formula for simplicity, but are of course taken into account by the code, when initializing the laser pulse away from the focal plane. .. warning:: The above formula depends on a parameter :math:`m` (see documentation below). In order to be properly resolved by the simulation, a Laguerre-Gauss profile with a given :math:`m` requires the azimuthal modes from :math:`0` to :math:`|m|+1`. (i.e. the number of required azimuthal modes is ``Nm=|m|+2``) Parameters ---------- p: int The order of the Laguerre polynomial. (Increasing ``p`` increases the number of "rings" in the radial intensity profile of the laser.) m: int (positive or negative) The azimuthal order of the pulse. The laser phase in a given transverse plane varies as :math:`m \\theta`. a0: float (dimensionless) The amplitude of the pulse, defined so that the total energy of the pulse is the same as that of a Gaussian pulse with the same :math:`a_0`, :math:`w_0` and :math:`\\tau`. (i.e. The energy of the pulse is independent of ``p`` and ``m``.) waist: float (in meter) Laser waist at the focal plane, defined as :math:`w_0` in the above formula. tau: float (in second) The duration of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\tau` in the above formula. z0: float (in meter) The initial position of the centroid of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`z_0` in the above formula. zf: float (in meter), optional The position of the focal plane (in the lab frame). If ``zf`` is not provided, the code assumes that ``zf=z0``, i.e. that the laser pulse is at the focal plane initially. theta_pol: float (in radian), optional The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis. lambda0: float (in meter), optional The wavelength of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\lambda_0` in the above formula. Default: 0.8 microns (Ti:Sapph laser). cep_phase: float (in radian), optional The Carrier Enveloppe Phase (CEP), defined as :math:`\phi_{cep}` in the above formula (i.e. the phase of the laser oscillation, at the position where the laser enveloppe is maximum) propagation_direction: int, optional Indicates in which direction the laser propagates. This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z) or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z). """ # Initialize propagation direction LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction) # Set and store a number of parameters for the laser k0 = 2 * np.pi / lambda0 E0 = a0 * m_e * c ** 2 * k0 / e self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol) self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol) # If no focal plane position is given, use z0 if zf is None: zf = z0 # Initialize a Gaussian longitudinal profile with zero chirp self.longitudinal_profile = GaussianChirpedLongitudinalProfile( tau=tau, z0=z0, lambda0=lambda0, cep_phase=cep_phase, phi2_chirp=0., propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Initialize a donut-like Laguerre-Gauss transverse profile self.transverse_profile = DonutLikeLaguerreGaussTransverseProfile( p=p, m=m, waist=waist, zf=zf, lambda0=lambda0, propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Inherit GPU capability of the individual profiles self.gpu_capable = self.longitudinal_profile.gpu_capable and \ self.transverse_profile.gpu_capable def E_field(self, x, y, z, t): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ # The laser profile is constructed by combining a complex # longitudinal and transverse profile, which is valid under the # paraxial approximation. profile = self.longitudinal_profile.evaluate(z, t) * \ self.transverse_profile.evaluate(x, y, z) # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization Ex = self.E0x * profile Ey = self.E0y * profile return (Ex.real, Ey.real)
[docs] class FlattenedGaussianLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that calculates a focused flattened Gaussian""" def __init__( self, a0, w0, tau, z0, N=6, zf=None, theta_pol=0., lambda0=0.8e-6, cep_phase=0., propagation_direction=1 ): """ Define a linearly-polarized laser such that the transverse intensity profile is a flattened Gaussian **far from focus**, and a distribution with rings **in the focal plane**. (See `Santarsiero et al., J. Modern Optics, 1997 <>`_) Increasing the parameter ``N`` increases the flatness of the transverse profile **far from focus**, and increases the number of rings **in the focal plane**. More precisely, the expression **in the focal plane** uses the Laguerre polynomials :math:`L^0_n`, and reads: .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t)\propto \exp\\left(-\\frac{r^2}{(N+1)w_0^2}\\right) \sum_{n=0}^N c'_n L^0_n\\left(\\frac{2\,r^2}{(N+1)w_0^2}\\right) \mathrm{with} \qquad c'_n = \sum_{m=n}^{N}\\frac{1}{2^m}\\binom{m}{n} - For :math:`N=0`, this is a Gaussian profile: :math:`E\propto\exp\\left(-\\frac{r^2}{w_0^2}\\right)`. - For :math:`N\\rightarrow\infty`, this is a Jinc profile: :math:`E\propto \\frac{J_1(r/w_0)}{r/w_0}`. The expression **far from focus** is .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t)\propto \exp\\left(-\\frac{(N+1)r^2}{w(z)^2}\\right) \sum_{n=0}^N \\frac{1}{n!}\left(\\frac{(N+1)\,r^2}{w(z)^2}\\right)^n \mathrm{with} \qquad w(z) = \\frac{\lambda_0}{\pi w_0}|z-z_{foc}| - For :math:`N=0`, this is a Gaussian profile: :math:`E\propto\exp\\left(-\\frac{r^2}{w_(z)^2}\\right)`. - For :math:`N\\rightarrow\infty`, this is a flat profile: :math:`E\propto \\Theta(w(z)-r)`. Parameters ---------- a0: float (dimensionless) The peak normalized vector potential at the focal plane. w0: float (in meter) Laser spot size in the focal plane, defined as :math:`w_0` in the above formula. tau: float (in second) The duration of the laser (in the lab frame) z0: float (in meter) The initial position of the centroid of the laser (in the lab frame) N: int Determines the "flatness" of the transverse profile, far from focus (see the above formula). Default: ``N=6`` ; somewhat close to an 8th order supergaussian. zf: float (in meter), optional The position of the focal plane (in the lab frame). If ``zf`` is not provided, the code assumes that ``zf=z0``, i.e. that the laser pulse is at the focal plane initially. theta_pol: float (in radian), optional The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis. lambda0: float (in meter), optional The wavelength of the laser (in the lab frame) Default: 0.8 microns (Ti:Sapph laser). cep_phase: float (in radian), optional The Carrier Enveloppe Phase (CEP, i.e. the phase of the laser oscillation, at the position where the laser enveloppe is maximum) propagation_direction: int, optional Indicates in which direction the laser propagates. This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z) or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z). """ # Initialize propagation direction LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction) # Set and store a number of parameters for the laser k0 = 2 * np.pi / lambda0 E0 = a0 * m_e * c ** 2 * k0 / e self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol) self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol) # If no focal plane position is given, use z0 if zf is None: zf = z0 # Initialize a Gaussian longitudinal profile with zero chirp self.longitudinal_profile = GaussianChirpedLongitudinalProfile( tau=tau, z0=z0, lambda0=lambda0, cep_phase=cep_phase, phi2_chirp=0., propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Initialize a flattened Gaussian transverse profile self.transverse_profile = FlattenedGaussianTransverseProfile( w0=w0, N=N, zf=zf, lambda0=lambda0, propagation_direction=self.propag_direction) # Inherit GPU capability of the individual profiles self.gpu_capable = self.longitudinal_profile.gpu_capable and \ self.transverse_profile.gpu_capable def E_field(self, x, y, z, t): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ # The laser profile is constructed by combining a complex # longitudinal and transverse profile, which is valid under the # paraxial approximation. profile = self.longitudinal_profile.evaluate(z, t) * \ self.transverse_profile.evaluate(x, y, z) # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization Ex = self.E0x * profile Ey = self.E0y * profile return (Ex.real, Ey.real)
[docs] class FewCycleLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that calculates an ultra-short, tightly focussed laser""" def __init__( self, a0, waist, tau_fwhm, z0, zf=None, theta_pol=0., lambda0=0.8e-6, cep_phase=0., propagation_direction=1 ): """ When a laser pulse is so short that it contains **only a few laser cycles**, the standard Gaussian profile :any:`GaussianLaser` is not well-adapted. This is because :any:`GaussianLaser` neglects the fact that different frequencies focus in different ways. In particular, when initializing a :any:`GaussianLaser` (with a short duration :math:`\\tau`) out of focus, the profile at focus will not be the expected one. Instead, the :any:`FewCycleLaser` profile overcomes this limitation. The electric field for this profile is given by (see `Caron & Potvilege, Journal of Modern Optics 46, 1881 (1999) <>`__): .. math:: E(\\boldsymbol{x},t) = Re\\left[ a_0\\times E_0\, e^{i\phi_{cep}} \\frac{i Z_R}{q(z)} \\left( 1 + \\frac{ik_0}{s}\\left(z-z_0-ct+ \\frac{r^2}{2q(z)}\\right)\\right)^{-(s+1)} \\right] where :math:`k_0 = 2\pi/\\lambda_0` is the wavevector, :math:`E_0 = m_e c^2 k_0 / q_e` is the field amplitude for :math:`a_0=1`, :math:`Z_R = k_0 w_0^2/2` is the Rayleigh length, :math:`q(z) = z-z_f + iZ_R`, and where :math:`s` controls the duration of the pulse and is given by: .. math:: \omega_0 \\tau_{FWHM} = s\\sqrt{2(4^{1/(s+1)}-1)} .. note:: In the case of :math:`\omega_0 \\tau_{FWHM} \gg 1` (i.e. many laser cycles within the envelope), the above expression approaches that of a standard Gaussian laser pulse, and thus the :any:`FewCycleLaser` profile becomes equivalent to the :any:`GaussianLaser` profile (with :math:`\\tau_{FWHM} = \\sqrt{2\\log(2)}\\tau`). Parameters ---------- a0: float (dimensionless) The peak normalized vector potential at the focal plane, defined as :math:`a_0` in the above formula. waist: float (in meter) Laser waist at the focal plane, defined as :math:`w_0` in the above formula. tau_FWHM: float (in second) The full-width half-maximum duration of the **envelope intensity** (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\tau_{FWHM}` in the above formula. z0: float (in meter) The initial position of the centroid of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`z_0` in the above formula. zf: float (in meter), optional The position of the focal plane (in the lab frame). If ``zf`` is not provided, the code assumes that ``zf=z0``, i.e. that the laser pulse is at the focal plane initially. theta_pol: float (in radian), optional The angle of polarization with respect to the x axis. lambda0: float (in meter), optional The wavelength of the laser (in the lab frame), defined as :math:`\\lambda_0` in the above formula. Default: 0.8 microns (Ti:Sapph laser). cep_phase: float (in radian), optional The Carrier Enveloppe Phase (CEP), defined as :math:`\phi_{cep}` in the above formula (i.e. the phase of the laser oscillation, at the position where the laser enveloppe is maximum) propagation_direction: int, optional Indicates in which direction the laser propagates. This should be either 1 (laser propagates towards positive z) or -1 (laser propagates towards negative z). """ # Initialize propagation direction and mark as GPU capable LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction, gpu_capable=True) # Set a number of parameters for the laser k0 = 2*np.pi/lambda0 E0 = a0*m_e*c**2*k0/e zr = 0.5*k0*waist**2 # If no focal plane position is given, use z0 if zf is None: zf = z0 # Store the parameters self.k0 = k0 self.zr = zr self.zf = zf self.z0 = z0 self.E0x = E0 * np.cos(theta_pol) self.E0y = E0 * np.sin(theta_pol) self.w0 = waist self.cep_phase = cep_phase # Find the Poisson parameter s, by solving the non-linear equation from scipy.optimize import fsolve w_tau = c*k0*tau_fwhm sol = fsolve(lambda s: s*(2*(4**(1/(s+1))-1))**.5 - w_tau, 1.) self.s = sol[0] def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ prop_dir = self.propag_direction inv_q = 1./( prop_dir * (z - self.zf) + 1.j*self.zr ) # Calculate the argument inside the power function argument = 1. + 1.j*self.k0/self.s*( prop_dir*(z - self.z0) - c*t + 0.5*(x**2 + y**2)*inv_q ) # Get the transverse profile profile = np.exp(1.j*self.cep_phase) * 1.j*self.zr*inv_q * \ argument**(-self.s-1) # Get the projection along x and y, with the correct polarization Ex = self.E0x * profile Ey = self.E0y * profile return( Ex.real, Ey.real )
[docs] class FromLasyFileLaser( LaserProfile ): """Class that emits a laser from a lasy file""" def __init__(self, filename, t_start=0.): """ Define a laser whose profile is determined by a `lasy <>`_ file. When the laser is initialized by this function, FBPIC forces the beginning of the time axis in the ``lasy`` file to be zero (irrespective of the metadata for ``tmin`` that is actually present in the ``lasy`` file). This convention was chosen for convenience, because ``tmin`` in ``lasy`` could otherwise result in large delays before emitting the laser, especially when using ``lasy``'s ``propagate`` feature. .. warning:: This laser profile can only be emitted with the ``antenna`` method (not with the ``direct`` method). Parameters ---------- filename: string The path to the ``lasy`` file. t_start: float (in seconds), optional, default: 0 Physical time (in the simulation), at which the laser will start being emitted. This can be used in order to introduce a time delay that was not originally present in the ``lasy`` file. (As explained above, FBPIC ignores any initial time offset in the ``lasy``. This offset is replaced by `t_start` (or zero if unspecified). Example ------- .. code-block:: python # Creating the lasy file laser_profile = GaussianProfile(wavelength,polarization, energy,spot_size,pulse_duration,t_peak=0) dimensions = 'rt' # Use cylindrical geometry lo = (0,-2.5*pulse_duration) # Lower bounds of the simulation box hi = (5*spot_size,2.5*pulse_duration) # Upper bounds of the simulation box num_points = (300,500) # Number of points in each dimension laser = Laser(dimensions,lo,hi,num_points,laser_profile) laser.propagate(-1e-3) # Propagate backwards by 1 mm laser.write_to_file('lasy_laser', 'h5') # Note that, in the lasy file, tmin is now a large, negative number. # (The peak of laser intensity still occurs 2.5*pulse_duration after tmin.) # FBPIC ignores tmin when reading the file, and sets the start of # the lasy time axis to zero instead. So, by default, the peak of # the laser intensity would occur at `t= 2.5*pulse_duration` in FBPIC. laser_profile = FromLasyFileLaser( 'lasy_laser_00000.h5', t_start=0.5*pulse_duration ) add_laser_pulse(sim, laser_profile, method='antenna', z0_antenna=0) # Here, modify the `t_start`, which will result in the peak of intensity being # emitted at `(2.5+0.5)*pulse_duration` instead of `2.5*pulse_duration`. # Since the `z0_antenna` was set to `0` here, this is as if the centroid # of the laser would have been initialized at `z = -3*c*pulse_duration` at `t=0` # (with then ``direct`` method). """ # Initialize propagation direction and mark as GPU capable LaserProfile.__init__(self, propagation_direction=1, gpu_capable=False) self.t_start = t_start # Open and read the lasy file f = h5py.File( filename, mode="r" ) # Check lasy version valid_version = False if ('software' in f.attrs) and ('softwareVersion' in f.attrs): software = f.attrs['software'].decode() version_string = f.attrs['softwareVersion'].decode() version_list = tuple(int(number) for number in version_string.split('.')) if (software == "lasy") and (version_list >= (0,3,0)): valid_version = True if not valid_version: raise RuntimeError( "The `lasy` version that was used to create the file %s " "is obsolete and not supported by FBPIC.\nPlease upgrade your lasy " "version to at least 0.3.0 (e.g. with `pip install --upgrade lasy`) " "and re-create the file %s." %(filename, filename) ) dset = f['/data/0/meshes/laserEnvelope'] = dset.attrs['angularFrequency'] self.pol = dset.attrs['polarization'] self.t_min_lasy = dset.attrs['gridGlobalOffset'][0] # Define interpolation function depending on the geometry if dset.attrs['geometry'].decode() == 'thetaMode': self.define_thetaMode_interp_function(dset) elif dset.attrs['geometry'].decode() == 'cartesian': self.define_cartesian_interp_function(dset) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown geometry for lasy file %s: %s" \ %(filename, dset.attrs['geometry']) ) def define_thetaMode_interp_function(self, dset): """ Set the attribute `interp_function`, in the case case where the lasy file has `thetaMode` geometry Parameter: ---------- dset: an h5py dataset object The object that contains the lasy envelope data """ env_data = np.array(dset) dt_data, dr_data = dset.attrs['gridSpacing']*dset.attrs['gridUnitSI'] inv_dt_data = 1./dt_data inv_dr_data = 1./dr_data _, nt, nr = env_data.shape n_modes = int(env_data.shape[0]/2) + 1 @numba.vectorize def interp_function(x, y, t): ir_interp = (x**2 + y**2)**.5 * inv_dr_data ir = int(np.floor(ir_interp)) it_interp = t * inv_dt_data it = int(np.floor(it_interp)) if (it < 0) or (it+1 > nt-1) or (ir < 0) or (ir+1 > nr-1): env = 0. + 1.j*0. else: S0t = it_interp - it S1t = it + 1 - it_interp S0r = ir_interp - ir S1r = ir + 1 - ir_interp env = S1r * S1t * env_data[0, it, ir] \ + S0r * S1t * env_data[0, it, ir+1] \ + S1r * S0t * env_data[0, it+1, ir] \ + S0r * S0t * env_data[0, it+1, ir+1] for m in range(1, n_modes): env_cos = S1r * S1t * env_data[2*m-1, it, ir] \ + S0r * S1t * env_data[2*m-1, it, ir+1] \ + S1r * S0t * env_data[2*m-1, it+1, ir] \ + S0r * S0t * env_data[2*m-1, it+1, ir+1] env_sin = S1r * S1t * env_data[2*m, it, ir] \ + S0r * S1t * env_data[2*m, it, ir+1] \ + S1r * S0t * env_data[2*m, it+1, ir] \ + S0r * S0t * env_data[2*m, it+1, ir+1] exp_theta = ( (x + 1.j*y) / (x**2 + y**2)**.5 )**m cos = exp_theta.real sin = exp_theta.imag env += env_cos * cos + env_sin * sin return env self.interp_function = interp_function def define_cartesian_interp_function(self, dset): """ Set the attribute `interp_function`, in the case case where the lasy file has Cartesian geometry Parameter: ---------- dset: an h5py dataset object The object that contains the lasy envelope data """ env_data = np.array(dset) dt_data, dy_data, dx_data = dset.attrs['gridSpacing']*dset.attrs['gridUnitSI'] _, y_min_data, x_min_data = dset.attrs['gridGlobalOffset'] inv_dt_data = 1./dt_data inv_dy_data = 1./dy_data inv_dx_data = 1./dx_data nt, ny, nx = env_data.shape @numba.vectorize def interp_function(x, y, t): ix_interp = (x-x_min_data)* inv_dx_data ix = int(np.floor(ix_interp)) iy_interp = (y-y_min_data)* inv_dy_data iy = int(np.floor(iy_interp)) it_interp = t * inv_dt_data it = int(np.floor(it_interp)) if (it < 0) or (it+1 > nt-1) or \ (iy < 0) or (iy+1 > ny-1) or \ (ix < 0) or (ix+1 > nx-1): env = 0. + 1.j*0. else: S0t = it_interp - it S1t = it + 1 - it_interp S0y = iy_interp - iy S1y = iy + 1 - iy_interp S0x = ix_interp - ix S1x = ix + 1 - ix_interp env = S1x * S1y * S1t * env_data[it , iy , ix] \ + S0x * S1y * S1t * env_data[it , iy , ix+1] \ + S1x * S0y * S1t * env_data[it , iy+1, ix] \ + S0x * S0y * S1t * env_data[it , iy+1, ix+1] \ + S1x * S1y * S0t * env_data[it+1, iy , ix] \ + S0x * S1y * S0t * env_data[it+1, iy , ix+1] \ + S1x * S0y * S0t * env_data[it+1, iy+1, ix] \ + S0x * S0y * S0t * env_data[it+1, iy+1, ix+1] return env self.interp_function = interp_function def E_field( self, x, y, z, t ): """ See the docstring of LaserProfile.E_field """ # Perform interpolation from envelope data env = self.interp_function(x, y, (t-self.t_start) ) # Add laser oscillations E = (env * np.exp( -1.j* * (t - self.t_start + self.t_min_lasy) # t_min_lasy is used here in order to have the same CEP as the # one that was meant when creating the lasy file )) return( (E * self.pol[0]).real, (E * self.pol[1]).real )