# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen, Soeren Jalas
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)
It defines a set of utilities for the initialization of an electron bunch.
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import m_e, c, e, epsilon_0, mu_0
from fbpic.fields import Fields
from fbpic.particles.elementary_process.cuda_numba_utils import \
from fbpic.particles.injection import BallisticBeforePlane
from fbpic.utils.cuda import GpuMemoryManager
import warnings
def add_particle_bunch(sim, q, m, gamma0, n, p_zmin, p_zmax, p_rmin, p_rmax,
p_nr=2, p_nz=2, p_nt=4, dens_func=None, boost=None,
direction='forward', z_injection_plane=None,
boost_positions_in_dens_func=False ):
Introduce a simple relativistic particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
Uniform particle distribution with weights according to density function.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the particles
n : float (in particles per m^3)
Density of the bunch
p_zmin : float (in meters)
The minimal z position above which the particles are initialized
p_zmax : float (in meters)
The maximal z position below which the particles are initialized
p_rmin : float (in meters)
The minimal r position above which the particles are initialized
p_rmax : float (in meters)
The maximal r position below which the particles are initialized
p_nz : int
Number of macroparticles per cell along the z directions
p_nr : int
Number of macroparticles per cell along the r directions
p_nt : int
Number of macroparticles along the theta direction
dens_func : callable, optional
A function of the form `dens_func( z, r )`
where `z` and `r` are 1d arrays, or `dens( x, y, z)`
where `x`, `y` and `z` are 1d arrays, and which returns
a 1d array containing the density *relative to `n`*
(i.e. a number between 0 and 1) at the given positions.
For boosted-frame simulation: if you set
``boost_positions_in_dens_func`` to ``True``, then ``dens_func``
can be expressed as a function of ``z`` taken **in the lab frame**.
Otherwise, it has to be expressed as a function of ``z`` taken
in the boosted frame.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
boost_positions_in_dens_func: bool, optional
For boosted-frame simulations: whether to automatically take into
account the Lorentz transformation of the positions, in `dens_func`
# Calculate the electron momentum
uz_m = ( gamma0**2 - 1. )**0.5
if direction == 'backward':
uz_m *= -1.
# Create the electron species
ptcl_bunch = sim.add_new_species( q=q, m=m, n=n,
p_nz=p_nz, p_nr=p_nr, p_nt=p_nt,
p_zmin=p_zmin, p_zmax=p_zmax,
p_rmin=p_rmin, p_rmax=p_rmax,
dens_func=dens_func, uz_m=uz_m,
boost_positions_in_dens_func=boost_positions_in_dens_func )
# Initialize the injection plane for the particles
if z_injection_plane is not None:
assert ptcl_bunch.injector is None #Don't overwrite a previous injector
ptcl_bunch.injector = BallisticBeforePlane( z_injection_plane, boost )
# Get the corresponding space-charge fields
if initialize_self_field:
get_space_charge_fields( sim, ptcl_bunch, direction=direction )
return ptcl_bunch
def add_particle_bunch_gaussian(sim, q, m, sig_r, sig_z, n_emit, gamma0,
sig_gamma, n_physical_particles,
n_macroparticles, tf=0., zf=0., boost=None,
save_beam=None, z_injection_plane=None,
Introduce a relativistic Gaussian particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
The bunch is initialized with a normalized emittance `n_emit`,
in such a way that it will be focused at time `tf`, at the position `zf`.
Thus if `tf` is not 0, the bunch will be initially out of focus.
(This does not take space charge effects into account.)
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
sig_r : float (in meters)
The transverse RMS bunch size.
sig_z : float (in meters)
The longitudinal RMS bunch size.
n_emit : float (in meters)
The normalized emittance of the bunch.
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the electrons.
sig_gamma : float
The absolute energy spread of the bunch.
n_physical_particles : float
The number of physical particles (e.g. electrons) the bunch should
consist of.
n_macroparticles : int
The number of macroparticles the bunch should consist of.
zf: float (in meters), optional
Position of the focus.
tf : float (in seconds), optional
Time at which the bunch reaches focus.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
save_beam : string, optional
Saves the generated beam distribution as an .npz file "string".npz
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
symmetrize: bool, optional
Whether to symmetrize the beam with 4-fold rotational symmetry.
(Meaning that, for every macroparticle, 3 other macroparticles
that are rotated by +pi/2, +pi, -pi/2 in the transverse plane)
This ensures that the beam has exactly 0 initial offset in x and y
if symmetrize:
assert n_macroparticles%4 == 0, \
"When using symmetrize, `n_macroparticles` must be a multiple of 4."
n_macroparticles = n_macroparticles//4
# Generate Gaussian gamma distribution of the beam
if sig_gamma > 0.:
gamma = np.random.normal(gamma0, sig_gamma, n_macroparticles)
# Zero energy spread beam
gamma = np.full(n_macroparticles, gamma0)
if sig_gamma < 0.:
"Negative energy spread sig_gamma detected."
" sig_gamma will be set to zero. \n")
# Get inverse gamma
inv_gamma = 1. / gamma
# Get Gaussian particle distribution in x,y,z
x = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
y = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
z = zf + sig_z * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Define sigma of ux and uy based on normalized emittance
sig_ur = (n_emit / sig_r)
# Get Gaussian distribution of transverse normalized momenta ux, uy
ux = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
uy = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Finally we calculate the uz of each particle
# from the gamma and the transverse momenta ux, uy
uz_sqr = (gamma ** 2 - 1) - ux ** 2 - uy ** 2
# Check for unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
mask = uz_sqr >= 0
N_new = np.count_nonzero(mask)
if N_new < n_macroparticles:
"Particles with uz**2<0 detected."
" %d Particles will be removed from the beam. \n"
"This will truncate the distribution of the beam"
" at gamma ~= 1. \n"
"However, the charge will be kept constant. \n"%(n_macroparticles
- N_new))
# Remove unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
x = x[mask]
y = y[mask]
z = z[mask]
ux = ux[mask]
uy = uy[mask]
inv_gamma = inv_gamma[mask]
uz_sqr = uz_sqr[mask]
# Calculate longitudinal momentum of the bunch
uz = np.sqrt(uz_sqr)
# Get weight of each particle
w = n_physical_particles / N_new * np.ones_like(x)
# Propagate distribution to an out-of-focus position tf.
# (without taking space charge effects into account)
if tf != 0.:
x = x - ux * inv_gamma * c * tf
y = y - uy * inv_gamma * c * tf
z = z - uz * inv_gamma * c * tf
# Add 4-fold copies of the beam by rotating particles by pi/2, pi and -pi/2
if symmetrize:
w *= 0.25
x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w = map( np.concatenate, zip(
[ x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w],
[-y, x, z,-uy, ux, uz, w],
[-x,-y, z,-ux,-uy, uz, w],
[ y,-x, z, uy,-ux, uz, w] ) )
# Save beam distribution to an .npz file
if save_beam is not None:
np.savez(save_beam, x=x, y=y, z=z, ux=ux, uy=uy, uz=uz,
inv_gamma=inv_gamma, w=w)
# Add the electrons to the simulation
ptcl_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz,
w, boost=boost, z_injection_plane=z_injection_plane,
return ptcl_bunch
def add_particle_bunch_file(sim, q, m, filename, n_physical_particles,
z_off=0., boost=None, direction='forward',
Introduce a relativistic particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from text file.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
filename : string
the file containing the particle phase space in seven columns
all float, no header
x [m] y [m] z [m] ux [unitless] uy [unitless] uz [unitless]
n_physical_particles : float
The number of physical particles (e.g. electrons) the bunch should
consist of.
z_off: float (in meters)
Shift the particle positions in z by z_off
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
# Load particle data to numpy array
particle_data = np.loadtxt(filename)
# Extract positions and momenta
x = particle_data[:,0]
y = particle_data[:,1]
z = particle_data[:,2] + z_off
ux = particle_data[:,3]
uy = particle_data[:,4]
uz = particle_data[:,5]
# Calculate weights (charge of macroparticle)
# assuming equally weighted particles as used in particle tracking codes
n_macroparticles = len(x)
w = n_physical_particles / n_macroparticles * np.ones_like(x)
# Add the electrons to the simulation
ptcl_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz,
w, boost=boost, direction=direction,
return ptcl_bunch
def add_particle_bunch_openPMD( sim, q, m, ts_path, z_off=0., species=None,
select=None, iteration=None, boost=None,
initialize_self_field=True ):
Introduce a relativistic particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from an openPMD
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
ts_path : string
The path to the directory where the openPMD files are.
For the moment, only HDF5 files are supported. There should be
one file per iteration, and the name of the files should end
with the iteration number, followed by '.h5' (e.g. data0005000.h5)
z_off: float (in meters)
Shift the particle positions in z by z_off. By default the initialized
phasespace is centered at z=0.
species: string
A string indicating the name of the species
This is optional if there is only one species
select: dict, optional
Either None or a dictionary of rules
to select the particles, of the form
'x' : [-4., 10.] (Particles having x between -4 and 10 microns)
'ux' : [-0.1, 0.1] (Particles having ux between -0.1 and 0.1 mc)
'uz' : [5., None] (Particles with uz above 5 mc)
iteration: integer (optional)
The iteration number of the openPMD file from which to extract the
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
# Try to import openPMD-viewer, version 1
from openpmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries
openpmd_viewer_version = 1
except ImportError:
# If not available, try to import openPMD-viewer, version 0
from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries
openpmd_viewer_version = 0
except ImportError:
openpmd_viewer_version = None
# Otherwise, raise an error
if openpmd_viewer_version is None:
raise ImportError(
'The package openPMD-viewer is required to load a particle bunch from on openPMD file.'
'\nPlease install it from https://github.com/openPMD/openPMD-viewer')
ts = OpenPMDTimeSeries(ts_path)
# Extract phasespace and particle weights
x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w = ts.get_particle(
['x', 'y', 'z', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'w'],
iteration=iteration, species=species,
if openpmd_viewer_version == 0:
# Convert the positions from microns to meters
x *= 1.e-6
y *= 1.e-6
z *= 1.e-6
# Shift the center of the phasespace to z_off
z = z - np.average(z, weights=w) + z_off
# Add the electrons to the simulation, and calculate the space charge
ptcl_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz,
w, boost=boost,
return ptcl_bunch
def add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w,
boost=None, direction='forward',
Introduce a relativistic particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from numpy arrays.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float
Charge of the particle species
m : float
Mass of the particle species
x, y, z: 1d arrays of length (N_macroparticles,)
The positions of the particles in x, y, z in meters
ux, uy, uz: 1d arrays of length (N_macroparticles,)
The dimensionless momenta of the particles in each direction
w: 1d array of length (N_macroparticles,)
The weight of the particles, i.e. the number of physical particles
that each macroparticle corresponds to.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
inv_gamma = 1./np.sqrt( 1. + ux**2 + uy**2 + uz**2 )
# Convert the particles to the boosted-frame
if boost is not None:
x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma = boost.boost_particle_arrays(
x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma )
# Select the particles that are in the local subdomain
zmin, zmax = sim.comm.get_zmin_zmax(
local=True, with_damp=False, with_guard=False, rank=sim.comm.rank )
selected = (z >= zmin) & (z < zmax)
x = x[selected]
y = y[selected]
z = z[selected]
ux = ux[selected]
uy = uy[selected]
uz = uz[selected]
w = w[selected]
inv_gamma = inv_gamma[selected]
# Create electron species with no macroparticles
ptcl_bunch = sim.add_new_species( q=q, m=m )
# Reallocate empty arrays with the right number of electrons
Ntot = len(x)
reallocate_and_copy_old( ptcl_bunch, ptcl_bunch.use_cuda, 0, Ntot )
# Fill the empty particle arrays with the right values
ptcl_bunch.x[:] = x[:]
ptcl_bunch.y[:] = y[:]
ptcl_bunch.z[:] = z[:]
ptcl_bunch.ux[:] = ux[:]
ptcl_bunch.uy[:] = uy[:]
ptcl_bunch.uz[:] = uz[:]
ptcl_bunch.inv_gamma[:] = inv_gamma[:]
ptcl_bunch.w[:] = w[:]
# Initialize the injection plane for the particles
if z_injection_plane is not None:
assert ptcl_bunch.injector is None #Don't overwrite a previous injector
ptcl_bunch.injector = BallisticBeforePlane( z_injection_plane, boost )
# Get the corresponding space-charge fields
if initialize_self_field:
get_space_charge_fields(sim, ptcl_bunch, direction=direction)
return ptcl_bunch
def add_elec_bunch( sim, gamma0, n_e, p_zmin, p_zmax, p_rmin, p_rmax,
p_nr=2, p_nz=2, p_nt=4, dens_func=None, boost=None,
direction='forward', z_injection_plane=None ) :
Introduce a simple relativistic electron bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
Uniform particle distribution with weights according to density function.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the electrons
n_e : float (in particles per m^3)
Density of the electron bunch
p_zmin : float (in meters)
The minimal z position above which the particles are initialized
p_zmax : float (in meters)
The maximal z position below which the particles are initialized
p_rmin : float (in meters)
The minimal r position above which the particles are initialized
p_rmax : float (in meters)
The maximal r position below which the particles are initialized
p_nz : int
Number of macroparticles per cell along the z directions
p_nr : int
Number of macroparticles per cell along the r directions
p_nt : int
Number of macroparticles along the theta direction
dens_func : callable, optional
A function of the form :
`def dens_func( z, r ) ...`
where `z` and `r` are 1d arrays, and which returns
a 1d array containing the density *relative to n_e*
(i.e. a number between 0 and 1) at the given positions.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
elec_bunch = add_particle_bunch(sim, -e, m_e, gamma0, n_e, p_zmin, p_zmax,
p_rmin, p_rmax, p_nr=p_nr, p_nz=p_nz, p_nt=p_nz,
dens_func=dens_func, boost=boost, direction=direction,
return elec_bunch
def add_elec_bunch_gaussian( sim, sig_r, sig_z, n_emit, gamma0,
sig_gamma, Q, N, tf=0., zf=0., boost=None,
save_beam=None, z_injection_plane=None,
symmetrize=False ):
Introduce a relativistic Gaussian electron bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
The bunch is initialized with a normalized emittance `n_emit`,
in such a way that it will be focused at time `tf`, at the position `zf`.
Thus if `tf` is not 0, the bunch will be initially out of focus.
(This does not take space charge effects into account.)
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
sig_r : float (in meters)
The transverse RMS bunch size.
sig_z : float (in meters)
The longitudinal RMS bunch size.
n_emit : float (in meters)
The normalized emittance of the bunch.
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the electrons.
sig_gamma : float
The absolute energy spread of the bunch.
Q : float (in Coulomb)
The total charge of the bunch (in absolute value)
(if a negative number is given, its absolute value will
automatically be taken)
N : int
The number of particles the bunch should consist of.
zf: float (in meters), optional
Position of the focus.
tf : float (in seconds), optional
Time at which the bunch reaches focus.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
save_beam : string, optional
Saves the generated beam distribution as an .npz file "string".npz
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
symmetrize: bool, optional
Whether to symmetrize the beam with 4-fold rotational symmetry.
(Meaning that, for every macroparticle, 3 other macroparticles
that are rotated by +pi/2, +pi, -pi/2 in the transverse plane)
This ensures that the beam has exactly 0 initial offset in x and y
# Generate Gaussian gamma distribution of the beam
n_physical_particles = Q/e
elec_bunch = add_particle_bunch_gaussian(sim, -e, m_e, sig_r, sig_z,
n_emit, gamma0, sig_gamma,
n_physical_particles, N, tf=tf,
zf=zf, boost=boost, save_beam=save_beam,
return elec_bunch
def add_elec_bunch_file( sim, filename, Q_tot, z_off=0., boost=None,
direction='forward', z_injection_plane=None ):
Introduce a relativistic electron bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from text file.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
filename : string
the file containing the particle phase space in seven columns
all float, no header
x [m] y [m] z [m] ux [unitless] uy [unitless] uz [unitless]
Q_tot : float (in Coulomb)
The total charge of the bunch (in absolute value)
(if a negative number is given, its absolute value will
automatically be taken)
z_off: float (in meters)
Shift the particle positions in z by z_off
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
n_physical_particles = Q_tot / e
elec_bunch = add_particle_bunch_file(sim, -e, m_e, filename,
n_physical_particles, z_off=z_off,
boost=boost, direction=direction,
return elec_bunch
def add_elec_bunch_openPMD( sim, ts_path, z_off=0., species=None, select=None,
iteration=None, boost=None, z_injection_plane=None ):
Introduce a relativistic electron bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from an openPMD
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
ts_path : string
The path to the directory where the openPMD files are.
For the moment, only HDF5 files are supported. There should be
one file per iteration, and the name of the files should end
with the iteration number, followed by '.h5' (e.g. data0005000.h5)
z_off: float (in meters)
Shift the particle positions in z by z_off. By default the initialized
phasespace is centered at z=0.
species: string
A string indicating the name of the species
This is optional if there is only one species
select: dict, optional
Either None or a dictionary of rules
to select the particles, of the form
'x' : [-4., 10.] (Particles having x between -4 and 10 microns)
'ux' : [-0.1, 0.1] (Particles having ux between -0.1 and 0.1 mc)
'uz' : [5., None] (Particles with uz above 5 mc)
iteration: integer (optional)
The iteration number of the openPMD file from which to extract the
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
elec_bunch = add_particle_bunch_openPMD(sim, -e, m_e, ts_path, z_off=z_off,
species=species, select=select,
iteration=iteration, boost=boost,
return elec_bunch
def add_elec_bunch_from_arrays( sim, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, w,
boost=None, direction='forward', z_injection_plane=None ):
Introduce a relativistic electron bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field, loading particles from numpy arrays.
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
x, y, z: 1d arrays of length (N_macroparticles,)
The positions of the particles in x, y, z in meters
ux, uy, uz: 1d arrays of length (N_macroparticles,)
The dimensionless momenta of the particles in each direction
w: 1d array of length (N_macroparticles,)
The weight of the particles, i.e. the number of physical particles
that each macroparticle corresponds to.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
elec_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, -e, m_e, x, y, z,
ux, uy, uz, w, boost=boost,
return elec_bunch
def get_space_charge_fields( sim, ptcl, direction='forward' ):
Add the space charge field from `ptcl` the interpolation grid
This assumes that all the particles being passed have the same gamma.
sim : a Simulation object
Contains the values of the fields, and the MPI communicator
ptcl : a Particles object
The list of the species which are relativistic and
will produce a space charge field. (Do not pass the
particles which are at rest.)
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
if sim.comm.rank == 0:
print("Calculating initial space charge field...")
# Calculate the mean gamma by computing weighted sum on each subdomain
w_sum_local = ptcl.w.sum()
w_gamma_sum_local = (ptcl.w*1./ptcl.inv_gamma).sum()
if sim.comm.mpi_comm is None:
w_sum = w_sum_local
w_gamma_sum = w_gamma_sum_local
w_sum = sim.comm.mpi_comm.allreduce(w_sum_local)
w_gamma_sum = sim.comm.mpi_comm.allreduce(w_gamma_sum_local)
# Check that the number of particles is not 0
if w_sum == 0:
"Tried to calculate space charge, but found 0 macroparticles in \n"
"the corresponding species. Skipping space charge calculation...\n")
gamma = w_gamma_sum/w_sum
# Project the charge and currents onto the local subdomain
# (Move data to GPU if needed, for this step)
with GpuMemoryManager(sim):
sim.deposit( 'rho', exchange=True, species_list=[ptcl],
update_spectral=False )
sim.deposit( 'J', exchange=True, species_list=[ptcl],
update_spectral=False )
# Create a global field object across all subdomains, and copy the sources
# (Space-charge calculation is a global operation)
# Note: in the single-proc case, this is also useful in order not to
# erase the pre-existing E and B field in sim.fld
global_Nz, _ = sim.comm.get_Nz_and_iz(
local=False, with_damp=True, with_guard=False )
global_zmin, global_zmax = sim.comm.get_zmin_zmax(
local=False, with_damp=True, with_guard=False )
global_fld = Fields( global_Nz, global_zmax,
sim.fld.Nr, sim.fld.rmax, sim.fld.Nm, sim.fld.dt,
n_order=sim.fld.n_order, smoother=sim.fld.smoother,
zmin=global_zmin, use_cuda=False)
# Gather the sources on the interpolation grid of global_fld
for m in range(sim.fld.Nm):
for field in ['Jr', 'Jt', 'Jz', 'rho']:
local_array = getattr( sim.fld.interp[m], field )
gathered_array = sim.comm.gather_grid_array(
local_array, with_damp=True )
setattr( global_fld.interp[m], field, gathered_array )
# Calculate the space-charge fields on the global grid
# (For a multi-proc simulation: only performed by the first proc)
if sim.comm.rank == 0:
# - Convert the sources to spectral space
if sim.filter_currents:
# - Get the space charge fields in spectral space
for m in range(global_fld.Nm) :
get_space_charge_spect( global_fld.spect[m], gamma, direction )
# - Convert the fields back to real space
global_fld.spect2interp( 'E' )
global_fld.spect2interp( 'B' )
# Communicate the results from proc 0 to the other procs
# and add it to the interpolation grid of sim.fld.
# - First find the indices at which the fields should be added
Nz_local, iz_start_local_domain = sim.comm.get_Nz_and_iz(
local=True, with_damp=True, with_guard=False, rank=sim.comm.rank )
_, iz_start_local_array = sim.comm.get_Nz_and_iz(
local=True, with_damp=True, with_guard=True, rank=sim.comm.rank )
iz_in_array = iz_start_local_domain - iz_start_local_array
# - Then loop over modes and fields
for m in range(sim.fld.Nm):
for field in ['Er', 'Et', 'Ez', 'Br', 'Bt', 'Bz']:
# Get the local result from proc 0
global_array = getattr( global_fld.interp[m], field )
local_array = sim.comm.scatter_grid_array(
global_array, with_damp=True )
# Add it to the fields of sim.fld
local_field = getattr( sim.fld.interp[m], field )
local_field[ iz_in_array:iz_in_array+Nz_local, : ] += local_array
if sim.comm.rank == 0:
def get_space_charge_spect( spect, gamma, direction='forward',
neglect_transverse_currents=True ) :
Determine the space charge field in spectral space
It is assumed that the charge density and current
have been already deposited on the grid, and converted
to spectral space.
spect : a SpectralGrid object
Contains the values of the fields in spectral space
gamma : float
The Lorentz factor of the particles which produce the
space charge field
direction : string, optional
Can be either "forward" or "backward".
Propagation direction of the beam.
neglect_transverse_currents: bool
Whether to neglect the fields generated by the transverse components
of the current. This approximation is very often made when calculating
space charge. Also, when this is False, spurious fields were sometimes
observed in the modes m>0, for high-energy particle bunches.
# Speed of the beam
beta = np.sqrt(1.-1./gamma**2)
# Propagation direction of the beam
if direction == 'backward':
beta *= -1.
# Get the denominator
K2 = spect.kr**2 + spect.kz**2 * 1./gamma**2
K2_corrected = np.where( K2 != 0, K2, 1. )
inv_K2 = np.where( K2 !=0, 1./K2_corrected, 0. )
# Get the potentials
phi = spect.rho_prev[:,:]*inv_K2[:,:]/epsilon_0
if not neglect_transverse_currents:
Ap = spect.Jp[:,:]*inv_K2[:,:]*mu_0
Am = spect.Jm[:,:]*inv_K2[:,:]*mu_0
Az = spect.Jz[:,:]*inv_K2[:,:]*mu_0
# Deduce the E field
spect.Ep[:,:] += 0.5*spect.kr * phi
spect.Em[:,:] += -0.5*spect.kr * phi
spect.Ez[:,:] += -1.j*spect.kz * phi + 1.j*beta*c*spect.kz * Az
if not neglect_transverse_currents:
spect.Ep[:,:] += 1.j*beta*c*spect.kz * Ap
spect.Em[:,:] += 1.j*beta*c*spect.kz * Am
# Deduce the B field
spect.Bp[:,:] += -0.5j*spect.kr * Az
spect.Bm[:,:] += -0.5j*spect.kr * Az
if not neglect_transverse_currents:
spect.Bp[:,:] += spect.kz * Ap
spect.Bm[:,:] -= spect.kz * Am
spect.Bz[:,:] += 1.j*spect.kr * Ap + 1.j*spect.kr * Am